I'm so organized right now, it's nauseating. But I have to admit, it's nice to have everything all in one place. I can whip out a card in no time ;)
Oh, and I forgot - we celebrated our reception-versary last weekend by returning to the venue - Twin Palms - and had Sunday brunch. Hahahahahaha! Yes, I said RECEPTION-VERSARY. Does it really surprise you? Although I got more than one weird look from the hub and the kid when I threw my hands up, did a little dance in the car, and said "Happy reception!" [sigh]
Lastly, my fun purchase of the week. Yup, it's a little mirror on the back of my cell phone, shaped like dear Hello Kitty. Now I can check for spinach up in my grill anytime I want. Weeeeeeeeee!!
i couldn’t let the new year go by without my annual recap - but much like my blog in general over the last couple of years, i’m running behi...