on sunday, we got up at the ungodly hour of 5:30 to head out to anaheim for the annual CHOC walk, benefiting the children's hospital of orange county. between the three of us, we'd somehow managed to raise $500 for the cause - not bad, considering the fact that i'd procrastinated big time (shocker, i know) and didn't start soliciting donations till last week. heh.we made a quick stop at starbucks for some much-needed caffeine before hopping on the [blissfully uncrowded] freeway. the walk was scheduled to begin at 7, and we ran a little late - which was okay, because last year we got there exactly on time and it was cah-ray-zee. so i figured we'd be all good and actually have some room to walk.right.at that hour, folks are more likely to be sheep and play "follow the leader" - which resulted in horrifically long lines trying to get to the parking structure. it was ridiculous. the hub, being the smart cookie, swung a couple of u-turns and got us right in, with a parking spot close to the exit, even. good boy!
we put the bean in her stroller and began our magical 5K journey through the disneyland resort. it's really kind of a tease, because the park's not actually open and you don't get to stay afterwards to ride rides. but that's not the point. and you really don't even think about it as you get going and see the teams of folks who are walking in honor of a child who's currently a patient. or perhaps one who's passed away, but was helped by CHOC during their struggle to survive. i had to blink back tears more than once (and now, too, at the memory) as i read the banners and signs that people were carrying. one had a photo of a sweet baby boy, with a caption that said "we miss you and we love you, buddy."*choke* for obvious reasons, i didn't take any pictures of things like that. just didn't seem right.there were lots of fun photo opportunities throughout the walk, though. disney magic abounded, including a pretty good jack sparrow clone:he had the walk and the pirate speak and slow drawl down. then again, disneyland would hardly have a half-assed impersonator, eh?
and here's my random shot of the day - there were folks handing out packets of california poppy seeds at the finish line. note the warning:
don't eat the state flower, folks.