wan-na find something?

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012, out!

it's time for wan's year in review!  woohoo!

for me personally, 2012 was inarguably the year of the run.  it started with my very first half marathon ever, the super fun tinkerbell half at disneyland:

a few months later, the inaugural hollywood half.

my trifecta of half marathons was complete with the disneyland half:

of course, there were quite a few runs in between, too.  in addition to the half marathons, i also did a total of 13 5Ks, 3 10Ks, an 8K, plus two obstacle course runs.  that's crazy.  and i even managed to rope both girls into the running craziness too - the teen joined me on several 5Ks and the bean ran a few kids' runs too.

also, i almost died here.

let's not forget the amazing weekend i spent with the teen up in santa barbara, walking for a cause with the avon walk for breast cancer.

i dragged her out for a bunch of other fun fitness outings, too.

the cookie-ing is still going strong.  well, okay - i've not done quite as many as i have in the past, but i still got to do some pretty fun designs this year.

 i even entered a batch into the l.a. county fair's cookie contest, and snagged first place.

the deliciousness of biscoff cookie spread made its way into a bunch of tasty treats in the wan kitchen.

there was, of course, lots of disneyland.

this happened.

as did this:

the bean's extracurricular activities expanded to include golf, hip-hop, piano, and cheer, plus her very first dance recital.

we had to say goodbye to brother wan, who moved halfway across the country to better his career.

her annual birthday bash was a smashing success.

that same night was the teen's senior homecoming dance.

i had a little fun with some nail art, despite my awful, dry cuticles.  i should be ashamed, but whatevs.

there were fun GTGs with my friends.  although as i seem to say every year - not enough of them!  and yikes, i only found two pictures.  and they both have the holiday hoorah in common.  at the second one, though, we also celebrated the impending birth of mini trish, our newest SFAM baby-to-be.

i also managed to get some face time with a handful of celebs.  i think my recap of meeting my first love, luke perry, is my most read blog post of all time.

chris harrison's appearance at the grove was perfectly timed to coincide with the season finale of "the bachelor."

although i've met him before, date night at michael voltaggio's ink.la restaurant ended with this:

i've always wanted to be a "real housewife."  instead, i settled for meeting a handful of them.

no year is complete without a jonas brothers concert.  or two.  third row, no less!

the bean got to see her favorite band live, too.  twice.  the first time, we got to meet the band at the "afterparty."

she got to bust out her super cool costume a second time when we secured tickets for the FBB's november show with our friends lilcee and mini cee.

during our summer vacay up the central california coast, i caught my very first fish.  see how excited i was?

the annual wan-niversary twirl.  it's a tradition!

the annual family photo shoot was held at paramount ranch, on a drizzly day that only added to the awesomeness of the finished product.

and of course, who could forget the debut of pixie, our elfette on the shelf.

2013 is definitely going to be a banner year for the house of wan, with the teen's upcoming high school graduation and our plans to celebrate that with a super awesome trip somewhere fabulous.  i've got three half marathons and a handful of other races already on the calendar, and the bean is prepping for her first basketball season as a cheerleader.  the hub is doing great things at work, and it's wonderful to know that all of our families are loving life these days too.

happy, happy new year to us all!

partying like rock stars

the hub and i headed out to hollywood one evening for a date night somewhere new (to us): grandmaster recorders . this building was construc...