wan-na find something?

Monday, December 24, 2012

a really bad christmas poem

'twas the week before christmas, and everyone was busy
getting ready for some fun, and the ILs' upcoming visit (yeah, that doesn't quite rhyme.  sue me)
we shopped and we shopped, and then shopped some more
till the bean was just pooped.  plus her throat - it was sore.

all the stockings were hung by the chimney with care
while a certain little elfette was caught unaware.

with a mountain of cookies to bake, i was busy as a bee.
but my mixer, she quit.  she was quite ancient, you see.
with the help of kohl's and ebates, i replaced her real fast.
and look!  oh, so pretty!  i got a pink one at last!

blockout dates for our disney annual passes loomed near
two long weeks of no mickey and no minnie!  oh, dear!
so we snuck in one evening during the candlelight processional
have mercy!  john stamos was the host, looking quite professional (again, a bad rhyme.  oh, well).

back at home, pixie found herself with a mess to clean up.

while the bean sat down for a holiday mani.  yup.

a gingerbread house was next on the list
but it had a leaky roof, and i was super pissed.

i was able to fix it with icing and some candy
so proud of me was i, for being so handy.

the bean and the teen had a ball making it pretty
while i just watched, so it wouldn't turn out shitty.

with the last gumdrop in place and candy canes in a heart
they sat back with pride and admired their work of art.

then with one final gift that i still had to make
my sewing machine. UGH. she decided to break.
i wondered if there was a way to get her repaired,
but with christmas in two days there was no time to spare.
and so off i went in search of a new one
ew, i ended up at walmart. oh, such fun.

between that and the mixer, i'm probably screwed.
those replacements are totally my christmas presents, dude!
alas, they're new toys, and ones i'm sure to use a lot.
and so yes, i'm definitely grateful for what i've got.

now as we prepare to say goodbye to our elf
(not a single night did she just sit on a shelf!)

please say a prayer for my sickypoo bean.
and merry christmas from me, the hub, and the teen.

okay, that was pretty bad.  hope you laughed anyway.


  1. Quite entertaining. Hugs and kisses to you all and most of all, the bean who needs extra dose of love.

  2. Hope Bean is feeling better in time for Santa. I can't believe your mixer and sewing machine decided to crap out at the same time...looks like you made the best of it though.

  3. So cute! I'm laughing at the leaky roof, elfette's antics and the doggie poo. Not liking all the breakage and the sick little bean, though.

    Merry Christmas to the Wans! Can we please not let another year pass without breaking bread? I miss your snarky, girly, beautiful self. xoxo

  4. You should get a Pfaff or Husqarna/Viking...I had my Pfaff for 10 years before it finally croaked!

  5. That was not a bad christmas poem, i actually enjoyed reading it and looking at your cute photos. Thank you for sharing!



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