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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

playing catch-up

i got tagged by several of my blogging buddies DAYS ago. but i figure they'll cut me some slack for lagging behind ;) anyway, here goes:

four jobs i have had in my life

1. customer service at household finance's call center. we got paid commissions for soliciting incoming callers for new loans, credit line increases, and home equity lines. this was pretty much the only sales i would ever do - no cold calling for me, thanks. and once they cut out the commissions, i found a way to transfer into another department for more cash. i actually worked for household for over seven years, only leaving due to a layoff orchestrated by a heffa who had it in for me from day one. [shaking fist] damn you, k.c. i hope your hair fell out and your teef rotted in your mouf.
2. the drive-thru at burger king. this was my first job, and i wore that polyester plaid vest uniform proudly. for about three months. ha!
3. office manager for a property management/appraisal company. i actually dug this job and the people i worked with and for, but it still wasn't better than SAHM-ing.
4. secretary to the CFO of a furniture store. i was all of 18 years old, the job was boring as all hell, and i called in sick more times than you can imagine. i, uh, was "asked to resign". yup. quite a proud moment.

four movies i can watch over and over and over (i had to rack my brain for these - there are quite a few movies i will always stop to watch)
1. the wedding singer
2. dirty dancing
3. the sound of music
4. grease - the original AND the sequel. "i need a C-O-O-L! R-I-D-E-R!"

four tv shows i like to watch (like the movies, this was a tough call. i heart tv)
1. general hospital (since the 5th grade. that's right.)
2. house. i love me some hugh laurie.
3. desperate housewives. hey, i put off going to the hospital to watch the season premiere, remember?
4. prison break. such a ridiculously far-fetched plot, but fun as hell to watch.

four places i have vacationed
1. hawaii. only island i haven't set foot on is lanai.
2. jamaica. hated it. won't ever go back.
3. meh-ico. chiclets, anyone?
4. niagara falls/canada. really pretty country. and COLD.

four of my favorite dishes
1. pizza. i could eat it every day.
2. crunchy rolls. shrimp tempura, crab, cucumber, rice. nothing wrong with that!
3. the hat's pastrami. mmmmmm, beef cheeks.
4. prime rib with all the trimmings at lawry's. ohhhh, creamed corn, how i love you.

four websites i visit daily (lately, "regularly" is more appropriate)
1. thesuperficial.com, for my celeb gossip fix
2. google reader
3. bofa.com - i'm anal about balancing my checkbook
4. edline.net - to keep an eye on how the kid's doing in her classes

four places i would rather be
1. maui
2. nyc
3. la jolla
4. anywhere with the (in no particular order) kid/bean/hub

i'm going to cheat on tagging 4 bloggers, mostly because i'm so way behind that everyone i blogstalk has already been tagged. sue me.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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