wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

kicking off wan-niversary weekend

because i was such a slacker in the last month around here, i'm going to backtrack a little so i can catch up on my recapping.

like, the hub and i were able to get away for a nice weekend to celebrate our anniversary in vegas! the old lady and the old man came to stay with the bean at the house with the dogs while we were gone, and after school drop-off that friday we packed up and hit the road.

i put on my anniversary bracelet stack for the occasion:

as we pulled into vegas, it occurred to me that i couldn't really remember the last time we'd come when it wasn't for either a cheer competition or a concert.  but then again...the hub was meeting up that night with some of his friends who'd bought tickets for the luke bryan concert that evening, so i guess even this trip counts under those circumstances.

the conrad inside hilton's resort world is our new favorite place to stay.  

looking out the window, we had a view of enchant - the holiday light maze that was set up outside.  

the hub got himself ready and headed out the door to meet up with his buddies while i debated between going downstairs to the gym and just doing a workout in the room using my peloton app.  i knew from previous experience that that gym is pretty badass and very well equipped, but it closed at 8pm and i was too late.  oh well.

you can guess what i had stuffed in this bag, right?  after all, it was wan-niversary weekend...

after my workout i cleaned up and headed out the door to go have some solo fun downstairs.

i wasn't super hungry yet, but i strolled through the food court anyway so i knew what my options were for dinner.

as i was walking through i caught a glimpse of an empty seat in front of a wheel of fortune-themed slot machine, so i decided to have a little fun and try my luck.  it'd been awhile.

alas, my dreams of hitting a huge jackpot while the hub watched some country bro show were dashed in a matter of minutes.  and so i got up to walk through the shops to see if there was anything new and exciting since our last visit here last spring.  i did find a fun toy store, where i snapped pictures and sent them to the kids at home.

because i'm 12, i made sure to take this and send it with a "butthole" caption.

this explained the large number of cowboy hats and boots i'd seen on folks walking around.

before heading back upstairs, i tried my luck one more time at a different wheel of fortune machine:

i also spent a little time playing some video blackjack, but lady luck was not with me that evening.  i went back to the room, kicked off my shoes and pulled my phone out for some social media browsing and then about five minutes into that the hub texted and said "come meet me downstairs!"  heh.

and so i threw my shoes back on and headed down to the cigar lounge, where he was happily enjoying a cigar and an adult beverage.  they'd had REALLY good seats at the concert - we're talking third row - and had had a great time.  even better, when luke bryan posted a video on his instagram account it was from his vantage point and i cracked up to see my husband prominently on display, one hand in the air and a drink in the other, singing along and living his very best life.

ah, vegas.  it's always a good time.

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um, i think.

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