wan-na find something?

Thursday, March 31, 2022

playtime up at the north shore

because of the time difference, i was awake bright and early the next morning.  

with the hub and the bean still snoozing happily in their beds, i headed over to the resort to meet up with the old lady and the fiance to get a workout in.  on my way there, i ran into this little guy, who stared at me disdainfully as he went on his merry way.

the resort gym was located by the spa, and it was a lovely stroll to get there.

and of course i'd already scoped out the equipment situation and happily hopped onto one of the two peloton bikes to get my sweat on.

the old lady and i were amused to find that we were shorts twins and took a sweaty post-workout picture together.

after grabbing an iced hawaiian latte at the coffee bar, we spied a familiar figure sitting on a couch overlooking the beach, snapping a photo for the 'gram.  and what a beautiful view it was.

back at the condo, i got myself showered and cleaned up and went out onto the lanai to check out our view.  the bean joined me after a few minutes.

the hub was off golfing with his friends that morning, and so we met up with the old lady and the fiance, plus his dad to head into haleiwa for some shopping and eating.  when we got to matsumoto's, we made the snap decision to grab a shave ice purely because there was no line - and if you've been there before, you'll understand why we headed right over.

this is what it looked like by the time we were done with our treat.  

i managed to get a shot with my girls before we headed off to meet up with the fiance's family at the food trucks nearby.

we ended up getting tacos, and they were super delicious.  check out those homemade tortillas!  they were soft and chewy and warm and wonderful.

no, we didn't get another shave ice, but i had to take this because why not?

i was pretty excited to have my most favorite coffee drink ever, though - the hawaiian latte from island vintage.  it's just so good.

we sipped our coffees while we browsed through the little clothes shop i'd discovered on our last trip here in august.

on our way home, we drove past the big surfing competition that was happening at sunset beach.

back at the resort, we ran across the cats again.

and by then, it was time to start getting ourselves ready for the first official event of the wedding weekend - the welcome cocktail party at the resort, where we'd get to see most of the wedding guests for the first time.  this included the old lady's dad and stepmom, which i have to admit i was fairly anxious about.  


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