wan-na find something?

Thursday, April 20, 2023

dammit, UPS!

the hub celebrated another trip around the sun with a very simple request for birthday dinner - one that was even easier than our usual backyard bbq.  and when he first mentioned it, i really really thought he was joking and i'd be making a reservation for dinner at one of his usual haunts.  i was actually just gonna go ahead and pick one and reserve it just in case, but every time i approached him with it he reiterated his original request.  like, he was totally serious.  and so this is how we welcomed my dear husband's 44th birthday:

yup.  we stood around the kitchen island just chatting and laughing while inhaling a feast of chili cheese dogs, corn dogs, and chili cheese fries.  it was definitely different from previous birthday dinners, but i gotta say...i didn't hate it.

the bean had worked on a banner and put up some streamers around the house to make it extra festive when he got home:

and while she took care of the decorations, i was working on dessert.  he'd requested some of our new favorite fluffernutter cookies:

and because i just really thought we needed cake, i followed a recipe i'd just found that sounded intriguing: peanut butter tres leches.

the hub is one of the most difficult people to buy presents for.  he's amazing at giving gifts, but shopping for him is damn near impossible.  and so when he told me about a couple of things he was eyeing, i clicked on them immediately and placed the orders.  he was most likely like 75% joking about it when he sent those links, but they fell right into my budget and i figured if he changed his mind he could always exchange or return.  one of them was a golf bag he'd put on his christmas list, and when i got the delivery notice i was super relieved because it was scheduled to arrive on a day that he was out of town for work.

of course, UPS ended up changing the delivery date at the last minute and the giant box was delivered right to our doorstep...while i was gone and he was home.  UGH.  i was so annoyed - there was no mistaking what was in the box, and i got the ring alert on my phone when it was delivered and then again when he went out there to bring the box inside the house.  words cannot express my irritation. he thought it was funny, but i got the last laugh when i told him he'd have to wait till his birthday to open it.  this meant he was going to see that box every single day, twice a day, when he left the house and then came back after work.  muahahahahahahaha.

and because i'm a dork like that, i still brought that box inside and wrapped it in birthday gift wrap, which made him laugh when he got home and saw it on the table.  

and while he wasn't expecting cake, he seemed pretty happy with the one i'd made and cheerfully danced along as we sang him the birthday song.

all in all, i think he had a pretty good birthday.  he really never asks for much - but i know he enjoys the time with family and the silly things we do to celebrate.  definitely the opposite of his wife, the birthday princess.  heh.

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