wan-na find something?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

make-it march

apparently, march was my month for crafting.  i’d gotten a bug up my butt to crochet a sweater for june, and i even had the perfect yarn for it already in my stash.  it stitched up pretty quickly, and i had this done in a couple of days:

i wanted to see what it looked like on, so poor teddy got tapped to be my model.  you can see how thrilled he was:

and because i couldn’t leave stevie out, i picked out some bright blue yarn (also in my stash, yay!) and cast on stitches to try a knit version for him.

this time, cocoa got to try it on.  she was even less excited than teddy was.

the bean and i went out to visit the old lady and the old man with june’s sweater, and she loved it (and looked adorable).

i didn’t get a picture of stevie wearing his, but here he is anyway because he’s so cute.

did you hear about the trader joe’s mini tote craze?  my friends were able to score enough for all of us, which was great because the two stores near me sold out long before i was able to make it out.  and because i’m extra like that, i added a little embroidery to mine (and the old lady’s), plus a zipper to close the top.

i got a bug up my butt to try a sling bag pattern using some bootleg “disney gucci” vinyl and fabric that i’d been holding on to for the perfect project.  i think it turned out pretty cute, and i even had some super cute little tags to add.

and then this cute little purse was for my friend the doctor.

cookie orders are pretty few and far between these days, which has kind of made the process of making them fun again.  i love the roundhouse technique, and use it whenever i get the chance:

and lastly, in a fun turn of events, the bean ended up joining the track & field team at school to fulfill their “one sport per year” requirement.  one of their friends talked them into the throwing team and they ended up training for the discus and shotput events.  the hub and i attended the track meets that were held at home, and then our friends lilcee and mini cee joined us at a meet in south pasadena.

the bean’s oldest friend runs in the track team for a local school, and it was fun to see him when they came to an invitational at the bean’s school.

i haven’t had sports mom gear since the bean played soccer many moons ago.  but when it started getting warmer, i headed off to the sporting goods store and picked up this setup:

and surprisingly, the bean found that they not only enjoyed being a thrower, but was actually quite good at it.  i think it was because they’d spent five years flinging small children up in the air and catching them during cheer competition stunts.  anyway, the season came and went pretty quickly and i’m pretty sure we’ll get to see them in more track meets next spring.

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