wan-na find something?

Friday, July 22, 2016

panem today, panem tomorrow, panem forever

as we drove along through the streets of san francisco, the old lady noticed something interesting - banners hanging from the light poles for the hunger games exhibition at the palace of fine arts.  and so after dropping off the bean at the presidio one morning, we headed over to check it out.  it was perfect, because we'd seen the giant dome when we first arrived in the city and had wondered what it was.  i remembered that the disney imagineers had built a similar-looking structure over in california adventure (which is now the site of ariel's undersea adventure).

we found parking and then followed the signs to innovation hangar, located right behind the theater.

tickets for this thing aren't cheap, but we really wanted to check it out and didn't have anything else to do.  plus, we had a ton of time on our hands, so there you go.  

entrance to the exhibit was staggered a bit, to allow the group ahead of us to get through the various displays and give everyone plenty of time to wander through.  as we waited, the tour guide cracked a bunch of corny jokes, did the whole "so, where are you all from?" schtick and pointed out that the lighting fixture that hung over our heads had been used in the movie somewhere.

when it was time, we walked into the next room to watch a quick intro video narrated by elizabeth banks - first as her character in the series, effie trinket, and then as herself in fangirl mode.

at the end of the video, the "door" to the hall of justice opened for us to enter the exhibit at last.  first up - the hob, to begin the story of the first hunger games movie.

there were tidbits about the making of the movie posted everywhere, intertwined with props and costumes and book club-style talking points.

the costumes and sets became more elaborate as we continued on through.  here, parts of the set for the train to the capitol.

 i totally look like i was on the train, right?  right?

somehow, this conjures up an image of "make america great again."  no? just me?

rather fitting that the more sinister characters/costumes made an appearance right afterwards.

it was fun to see the fancy ensembles up close that jennifer lawrence, josh hutcherson, stanley tucci & co. wore in the movies.

look!  the "girl on fire" dress - one of several, i'm sure.  but still...way cool.

and cinna's outfit.  rowwwwwr, lenny kravitz.

there weren't a ton of photo ops throughout the exhibit, so you know i had to ham it up for at least one or two.  

more costumes and props.

 this was like a video game, where you underwent "training" for the hunger games.

why hello there, hologram finnick.

ooooh, liam hemsworth actually wore these pieces.  well, at least i liked to think so.

lastly, a handful of katniss' most iconic outfits.  the tour guide moved out of my way and excitedly said "oooh, now you have the perfect facebook cover photo!"  his face fell a little when i said "only if i get to wear the dresses in the picture."

some final inspirational words as we exited:

...right into the gift shop.  of course.

mockingjay doormat, anyone?

some promo items for peeta's bakery, perhaps?

i actually really liked this handmade knit shrug and would totally have scooped one up...except for the $139 price tag.  yup.  one HUNDRED and thirty-nine dollars, plus tax.  yeah, it was cute and i'd totally rock it in the fall/winter months, but i'm not made of money, people.  plus, i thought maybe i might find something similar on etsy.  or perhaps someone who knits would make me one.  if you want to volunteer, i haz photos of this thing from every angle.

bye bye, panem.

in the restroom, i noticed a note left by someone who was obviously very moved by the exhibit.

we admired the grounds a little more on our way back to the car.

and see, i just saved you $27.50 per person.  you're welcome.


  1. About that graffiti --- I think it's in reference to the fact that the city's Parks & Rec dept. is entertaining bids to develop the Palace of Fine Arts! So far the leading plans with officials propose converting the space into a luxury hotel/retail/condo complex. Needless to say it's been a huge point of contention with longtime residents and SF natives.

  2. About that graffiti --- I think it's in reference to the fact that the city's Parks & Rec dept. is entertaining bids to develop the Palace of Fine Arts! So far the leading plans with officials propose converting the space into a luxury hotel/retail/condo complex. Needless to say it's been a huge point of contention with longtime residents and SF natives.


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um, i think.

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