wan-na find something?

Monday, July 26, 2021

summer 2021 > summer 2020

the summer is flying by, as it always does.  we've been filling our days with all sorts of stuff, which is a nice change from the endless days last year of mostly doing nothing.  and so it's time for one of my beloved random photo dumps!

the bean tried out a new hip hop dance class with mini cee at a studio called athletic garage in pasadena.  they gave it a few weeks before deciding that they didn't love it.  we're currently on the hunt for another studio that might offer some k-pop dance instruction, because we all know how much my child would adore that.

speaking of k-pop, her beloved BTS came out with a limited-time meal at mcdonald's that included chicken mcnuggets, fries and a coke with two special sauces - cajun and sweet chili.  there wasn't much that made it super special besides that other than a branded paper bag, but she seemed happy with it.

my family gathered together to celebrate my nanay's birthday, which was really nice because we had to do it over zoom last year when she turned 95.  it was so nice to see her (and select other family members) in person, although the old lady missed the party because she was off getting engaged that same day.

while she and her fiance were gone that weekend we got to spend some time with stevie, who was perfectly happy playing with teddy and cocoa.

and then before the bean and i went to pick them up at the airport, we stopped at their apartment to make it a little extra festive.

and then we did this so they'd see it the second we pulled up to take them home.

we made the rounds with family members on both sides on three separate days to celebrate the happy news, but only remembered to take a group photo at the last gathering.  oops.

one of those celebrations took us out to palm springs for a day, which was fun.  

as for the bean, she did two weeks of art camp at CSArts again - only this time, one of her BFFs joined her for the first week.

and since i handled transportation for them both, we got to go on fun outings after classes every day.

teddy turned 2!  he didn't love the birthday hat, but he tolerated it long enough for me to get a couple of pictures.  he's such a good sport.

it's been fun finally getting to see friends in person again...

and especially when it involves eating a lot of delicious sushi to earn fun hello kitty swag.

after art camp was over, the bean headed off to texas for a week of grandma camp.

and while she was gone, the hub and i headed off to san diego for a nice weekend getaway, just the two of us.  more on that later.

the old lady and i headed to a local bridal shop with one of her oldest, dearest friends...and FOUND HER DRESS!  more on that later too!

the wedding is going to be super small, and they've also locked down their wedding party - just two on each side.  the bean was thrilled to open a package and find all of this fun stuff in it:

there's a pretty big hint in there as to where the wedding will be.  i'm pretty sure you figured it out upon first glance, yes?

oh, so much fun!  don't you just love love?

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