wan-na find something?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

from kindergarten to 8th grade in a flash

there's still a lot of summer fun for me to recap, but this requires immediate documentation:

she spent the night before steaming wrinkles out of one of her new uniform tops - a button-down shirt that she was excited to find at the annual uniform sale.  button-down shirts have become her favorite thing to wear, so i was glad she was able to find some that are allowed in the school's dress code.

she really doesn't love taking pictures these days - typical sullen teen, amirite? - but i think she's resigned herself to these annual snaps because her mother won't let the morning go by without one.  i'm hoping that by next year she'll be back to smiling happily for the camera.  we'll see.  in the meantime, this was the approved version of the annual "first day" shot:

and you know i had to add it to the collage.

just for extra tear-jerking fun, i did this too.  this is her last year at this school after being here since preschool, and i honestly can't believe we've gotten to this point already.  seems like yesterday...

i just know the year is going to fly by and before we know it, we'll be facing her first day of high school.  holy crap.  hold on tight...it's gonna be a crazy ride.

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um, i think.

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