wan-na find something?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

gobble, gobble!

Turkey Day was fun. After the craziness of baking turkey cupcakes:

plus the potatoes and mac & cheese (I'm still on the hunt for a good recipe - it wasn't as fab as I'd have liked), it was on to two separate sets of Thanksgiving festivities!

Hope your day of thanks was as fun and family-filled as ours.


  1. important questions:
    1. was there bunot for xmas?
    2. anyone get wasted again?
    3. how did the "American" dinner go?
    4. most importantly, was everyone happy i was in pennsylvania, given that if i were there, half the food would have been gone before anyone realized it?

  2. I got a mac and cheese recipe that's pretty tasty if you're interested.

  3. Damn you, Nanette and the Cupcake Queen.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

are you a faithful, or are you a traitor?

back in december when we had our holiday hoorah, my friend trish was gushing over “the traitors,” a show airing on peacock that she was abso...