wan-na find something?

Monday, December 21, 2009


so that alice cullen haircut i wanted so badly?

it looks great. on her. on me, not so much.

i promised twitterville that i was going to give myself a day (yesterday) to wallow in my misery, but that i reserved the right to whine here, too. because it's awful. AWFUL. i hate my hair so fucking much right now, i want to scream.

i can't feel any hair swinging around anymore when i turn my head. i feel fucking bald. i run my fingers through it and there's damn near nothing there. yesterday morning, i totally cried in the shower. i wish i could turn the clock back to saturday and cancel my appointment and keep my "boring, SO two years ago" 'do. i want my hair back. note: i don't fault
my trusty hairstylist. she gave me what i asked for, and she truly thought it looked good. i...don't.

before you ask, there will be no pictures. none. i will not willingly pose in front of a camera until this shit grows out and i feel better about myself. "it's only hair," you say. "it'll grow back." yes, true. but anyone who knows me realizes how picky i am about my hair. remember the story about a really bad perm back in the 8th grade, driving me to wear a hat every day until it grew out? yeah, i'm tempted to do that again.

but i'm trying really hard to look on the bright side. here's what i've come up with:
  • it's different, for sure.
  • i'll save a ton of cash on shampoo and stuff. because it takes about half of a dime-sized dollop to cleanse my nugget now.
  • it takes mere minutes to blowdry it now.
  • i don't even have to use a brush anymore, i can style it with my fingers.
  • now i know for sure that a pixie cut is most definitely out of the question for me.
  • i can wear fun dangly earrings and they'll actually be visible now.

okay, that's all i've got. i'm trying, i really am.

to end the post on a happier note, the wan home is finally ready for christmas. observe:

from that in-n-out extravaganza a couple of weeks ago:

aw, our tree. it's not quite charlie brown-style, but it does seem a little sad and bare without our "real" decorations - buried somewhere in storage. i'm a little bummed not to pull out the ornaments we've bought over the years, and ones that the teen made when she was in elementary school. it doesn't seem like christmas without them.

with a major lack of space, i took a tip from a post on the nest's message boards: i wrapped some red velvet ribbon around our front door and used it to display the holiday cards that have finally started rolling in.

and, i got my second christmas present of the year from a secret santa:

i've been wanting one of those things for ages. ages! and i love that little thing. it's so easy to use and it lets me take and upload videos really easily. like last night, when the bean got a just-before-bedtime spurt of crazy energy and proceeded to dance around in her pajamas:

so awesome. thank you, secret santa! i love you!


  1. I'm sure I will love your hairdo. Sounds like my favorite hairdo of all time. I'll have to wait to see it, I know, unless you can email a pic just to me????
    Cute K!

  2. Hmm. Honestly, the cut doesn't even look good on that Alice person. :s


  3. Sorry for the bad haircut. I always hate my hair for about a month after cutting it. This is why I let way too much time lapse between appointments.

    I've been eyeing the Flip video camera for ages too. Maybe Santa will come through for me too!

  4. You sound how I felt last summer when I asked for an angled bob, and the wench gave me layers. LAYERS on a really short angled bob. It's grown out now, but it took a lot of time. If you talk the time to flip it out with a large curling iron or flat ironn, it will look better. Good luck and H+P

  5. my sympathies on the hair thing. I completely understand where you are coming from and what you are feeling.
    The Flip camera is awesome...if I could just pry it out of my husband's hands then maybe I could play with it some more. So compact and light too. And the image quality is perfect...

  6. sorry about the haircut. :(
    i like the in-n-out ornaments, although i'd probably never dare to put 'em on my minimal trees in the years we even have one.

  7. I can completely empathize on the hair, im in the middle of a grow-out myself. We just got a flip too, I hope you enjoy it!

  8. I, too, am trying to grow out my hair. Sigh. I dig your secret santa gift! So jealousE.


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