wan-na find something?

Friday, December 4, 2009

a wan-niversary haiku

woo-hoo! my dress still fits me.
i twirl with the bean.


yup. as i did on our first wedding anniversary (somehow, i skipped it on the second. damn. must've been too excited to fit back in the dress after birthing the bean two months prior. but then i picked it up again for the third), i donned my dress and twirled for the camera. but i had an extra added bonus this year - the bean, still slightly woozy from having woken up about 2.75 seconds before i scooped her up. but yay for me - when she opened her eyes and saw me at the foot of the bed, all gussied up in my finery, she sat up, pointed, and said "mommy! pretty!" awwwww.

the traditional gift for the 4th wedding anniversary is fruit or flowers, with the modern version being linen. WTF am i supposed to do with that? ugh. and so it seems that i'll have to stray from the traditional list this year and just take my darling husband out for a lovely dinner, just the two of us. the ILs are already lined up to babysit the bean, and with the teen gone for her week with her dad, we're all set.

this is one of my very favorite shots from our wedding day. ah, the memories. i smile every time i look at it.

in the years since that day, the hub has truly become my everything. he's always there to offer advice, support, an honest opinion (which is really helpful sometimes when i'm in danger of walking out the door wearing something i would have regretted big time later), smiles, hugs, love. we've got a super fun, awesome relationship that only gets better and better every day, and is still rooted in the friendship that started it all. he's wiped my tears and comforted me when i faced awful things like our miscarriage, revealing dark secrets from my past, frustration from an argument with the teen. and on the flip side, he's been my biggest cheerleader during other things like starting my business, giving birth to the bean, coming up with ideas to brighten the teen's day. i only hope that i've been able to give him as much as he's given me.

and hey, next year is going to be super easy - the traditional gift is wood.


my 10-year-old sense of humor rears its ugly head yet again.


  1. I'm laughing so hard I still can't catch my breath.

  2. Wood!! Now that's a HARD gift to give!!

    Ahahahahaha :)

    Happy Anniversary! Oh and I'm telling you eddible arrangements...I'm a genius!

  3. So cute! Happy Anniversary. Wood! Haha. (Mind in gutter)

  4. I am dying here. Never ceases to amaze me that you still fit your dress.

    Happy Wan-niversary.

  5. lol @ mommy belle's comment.

    wood? ewwwww cousin

    bow chicka wow wowwwwwwwwwww

  6. You are so cute! Happy Anniversary!

  7. hahahaha @ WOOD!!!
    but seriously. i wish you a very happy anniversary..have a fabulous time out tonight with your hubby.

  8. Happy anniversary! And I love how the Bean is running in place with excitement before you scoop her up! Soooo sweet!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Have a great time tonight.

  10. Happy Anniversary! Such a sweet post about your hub. :)

  11. a haiku for you:

    so fucking funny
    best anniversary post
    i have ever read



  12. P.S.
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to cross "write a haiku that makes use of the 'f' word" off my life list.

    Thank you so much.

  13. I'm sorry, but the fact that you can still fit into your dress and look amazing is bullshit. You suck.

    And your post made me cry because it was so incredibly sweet and you and your husband are beyond adorable.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  14. Eeeeee! I love this twirling tradition. Happy anniversary!

  15. Wheeeeee! Love the twirl & even better with the bean. Thank you for the sweetheart post...got me a bit teary eyed. I love weddings & anniversary celebrations.
    Totally joining on the 10 year old's humor...hee hee!

  16. OMG I have the PERFECT anniversary gift you should have given him! You should have adopted an olive tree in his name! Fruit? check. Flowers? check. AND then you get two shipments of a shitton of olive oil a year that YOU can use!

  17. i must admit, I've watched your twirl 3 times! hehehe! i especially love the bean happy-dancing in anticipation of you picking her up! made me smile!

  18. SO late, but congrats! and yay for the twirl!


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