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Friday, May 29, 2015

not our first (or even second) rodeo

it's hard to believe that this is the third year that the bean has participated in her school's end-of-the-year rodeo.  it's even harder to believe that she's all done with the first grade now, and when the school year starts again, she'll be with the bigger kids and on the longer schedule.  seems like just yesterday that i was all anxious about sending her off to preschool for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week.

we managed to find a fun pair of (cheap) boots at target, and squeezed her bum into last year's overalls...just barely.

as i looked at her, i realized that she really has grown up since last year.  she's lost all traces of the baby face...waaaaaaah.

i was a little bummed to see that the petting zoo and pony rides weren't there this time around, but she didn't seem to be too fazed by their absence.  i guess when you're with your friends and there's no more work to be done, you make fun out of anything.

of course, i had to get in on the photo op action.

after all, it's the one time of year that my shitkickers get to come out and play.

the kids loved filling up on the buffet that was laid out for them.  chips and juice boxes galore...although there were a good handful of them who opted in on the watermelon and carrots, too.

all that grub was topped off with some sugary treats that should have been perfect, except that it was one of those may gray days.  no sun, all clouds, cooler temperatures.  they didn't care, though.  popsicles are good anytime.

and next year at this time, no more rodeo!  yay!!

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