wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

not quite the holiday hoorah

a handful of SFAM members managed to pull it together a couple of days after christmas and got together for a delicious brunch at our new favorite pasadena spot, the crack shack.

as always, it was fun getting together and watching our kids interact with each other.  and amber brought her two adorable boys who were happy to hang out with 3/4 of the getalong gang.  despite the age difference, all of the kids got along really well and played together nicely.

the food, of course, was delish.  my favorite item on the menu is the chicken "oysters," which are a solid step above kiddie chicken nuggets.  they're so delicious, with the crispy skin and the perfectly cooked chicken...yum.

there's a spicy version too...i took a picture but didn't partake because i'm a wuss.

of course, there was good old fashioned bone-in fried chicken, too.  the bean says it isn't really fried chicken if there's no bone in there.  heh.

mini biscuits, because they're delicious.

and their spin on poutine.

we had quite the variety of menu items to enjoy together.

after everyone had had their fill, we had the kids recreate an old photo that had resurfaced on facebook that morning.  2011:

and with some pretty fantastic coaching from our friend weezermonkey, here's the 2018 version.

so funny!  i can't wait for another seven years to go by for us to make them sit down and do this again.  hahahahahahah.

of course, we had to get a group photo:

and then with all of the kids in it - the silly faces are easier to get them to do.

amber and i both received kate spade x disney collab handbags for christmas, which we happily showed off for the camera.  we probably should've moved the high chairs out of the shot.  oops.

she'd also brought us some fun treats, which were as cute as they were sweet.

and on our way home, the bean and i made a quick pitstop for some treats to take home.

ah, winter break.  how i miss you already.

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um, i think.

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