wan-na find something?

Friday, July 3, 2009

bacon is wan's friend, episode 10837598

i've been wanting to try one of these for ages.

unfortunately, i have yet to find a store anywhere near me out in BFE that carries the fabulous vosges chocolates. boo.

and then yesterday, my buddy tater sent me a link to a new product, just released by the same company:

tater and i, as you know, often send each other bacon news and recipes and such. now, you're either going to completely dig the idea or be absolutely grossed out by it: it's pancakes studded with chunks of that hotmazing-looking bacon chocolate bar. heh. obvs, i'm in the "love it, gotta try it" camp. mmmm. i have GOT to find this stuff somewhere, and soon.

vosges, are you listening? you should totally send me some samples, and i'll write up a fantastic review. you know you want to.

while we're on the subject, one of the girls on my nest board mentioned that she'd had a pretty delicious bacon cheesy potato burrito at taco bell and had thought of me as she devoured it. this amuses me SO much - i've learned that i come to mind for a bunch of folks whenever they see bacon or the jonas brothers. ha! i guess there are worse things to be associated with.

i'm not typically a taco bell fan - i prefer del taco for no specific reason - but you know after i got one look at that thing, i had to have one. come on! that burrito is my beloved tater tot casserole all wrapped up neatly in a tortilla. and so after picking up the teen from her last day of summer school (whee!), we made a run for the border. voila!

i hoovered it right up until i got to the bottom of the burrito, and my dirty always-in-the-gutter mind couldn't stop giggling at this:

i ate it anyway, of course. and yeah, it was super tasty. i'm totally craving one right now. and while the teen enjoyed her veggie 7-layer burrito, what we both loved was rediscovering the classic taco bell dessert - cinnamon twists.

sweet, crunchy, light. like a churro, but it's not! we devoured these within seconds.

and since i haven't posted a new bean picture in a few days (i think), here's some new ones. i love how adorable she is in her new summer duds (not to mention how much i dig finding a huge stack of stuff to pick from at target for $4!), and i was glad she was willing to hold still and smile long enough to snap off a few shots.

we're only 1/4 of a year away from her birthday now! holy shit, my baby's gonna be 2 soon. where does the time go??


  1. Things that were in my mail today:

    1. Latest issue of Rolling Stone, with the Jonas Brothers on the cover.

    2. Latest issue of Food Network Mag, with a short feature on bacon-flavored floss.

    Guess how many times I thought of you today? :)

  2. because del taco tastes much better.

    i wonder if you just put in chunks of bacon and chocolate chips into your pancakes, if you can get the same effect.

    i so shoulda picked up a bar for you while in vegas last weekend. ah well.

  3. I figured you'd already had that bar - I see it all the time. I'll pick one up for you next time I see one. ALSO, I'm pretty sure the LA County Fair is the same as the SD County Fair. If so - we have chocolate covered bacon at our fair, so I would think they'd have it when it rolls up your way.

  4. uhhh i have that vosges bacon bar. i can wait to try it until i see you. that is all. haha.

  5. My Whole Foods sells Vosges, doesn't yours? I got a large sample of the bacon bar at my favorite gelato place/exotic candy bar. Honestly I thought it was OK. The bacon wasn't salty enough for me. I love salt and chocolate. Yummy. Please don't cut the Bean's hair soon! It looks perfect right now!

  6. whole foods totally carries the vosages line. the bacon bar is not that great. but my whole foods' bakery came out with their own dark chocolate bar which is basically dark chocolate with salty pretzels and big chunks of chewy bacon. it is DELISH. hope they have it at your WF!

  7. i love the bean picture on the right! even though i don't like mixing salty and sweet stuff together, i loved that piece of chocolate covered bacon i had in dc. i'll keep an eye out for you on vosges.

  8. Those pancakes are making me drool!

  9. Whole Foods carries it and you can also order through their website!

  10. I'm pretty sure you can order the chocolate directly from the vosges website.

    I get it at a little gourmet chocolate store near me, and I think it's delicious.

  11. I have a feeling you are going to go NUTS on Thursday. Can't wait!

  12. The pictures of the bean are SO CUTE!!


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