wan-na find something?

Friday, March 19, 2010

ready to launch in 3...2...1

okay, so you're all fully aware of my new venture with stella & dot. yay, fantastic, awesome.

i'm really trying hard not to be too rah-rah and all that crap about it here, though. after all, this blog started out as a journal of sorts - all about me, family, friends, etc. i'm not about to change that and turn it into a boring sales-related site.

but let's face it, y'all - i'm far too lazy to start a separate blog for business stuff. seriously. hell, i can barely keep up with this one as it is. and so i'll just put this out there, because i'm all excited about it and it's been keeping my ass up at night with all of the ideas going through mynugget.

i've been racking my pea-sized brain trying to figure out how and where to launch my business - i'm literally the first "stylist" in my local area, and i really want to do it right and create a proper image for the company. i've looked at restaurants, considered some of the nicer public areas, even thought about one or two of the bar/grill joints. and yet none of them really struck my fancy - until i went to a new place last weekend for a facial and got to talking to my esthetician. we clicked immediately, and when i mentioned my current dilemma, she asked me if i'd been to
the parlour wine bar & bistro that had recently opened in downtown glendora. of course, i hadn't, but had heard about it from my hairstylist during my last appointment.

i picked up the phone while the bean was taking her afternoon nap, spoke to the owner, and am stoked to announce that my launch party is set:

if you're on facebook, you can view and RSVP to the event here.
i'm now in a prepping frenzy, ordering display supplies, brainstorming on linen colors, creating flyers and other marketing materials. i'm super duper excited, and next saturday is going to be awesome!
now, to make this less of a work-related post, here's some silly pics.

i love that the bean is willing to make silly faces for the camera. hopefully that will always be the case.


  1. So when I went to my waxing salon yesterday there was a whole Stella and Dot trunk show set out and of course I immediately thought of you. Not a bad idea to bring in business....it's a logical assumption that those who go to salons are interested in their appearance (well...with the exception of yours truly who usually looks like she rolled out of bed and threw on her kid sister's "play clothes.")

  2. I'll be there... love your 'silly pics'!

  3. Oh no! You taught her the goofy look. How sad.

  4. i so wish i could! hubby and i are supposed to go to big bear this weekend but even that might be cancelled depending on how well my dog does with her cancer surgery. good luck and i'll still keep a party of my own in mind.

  5. Fun! I hope the party is a great success. :)


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

partying like rock stars

the hub and i headed out to hollywood one evening for a date night somewhere new (to us): grandmaster recorders . this building was construc...