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Thursday, September 13, 2012

farewell, my friend

so my friend kelley is moving far far away.  i am sad.

well, okay - it's not that far.  she's really just going to be a 2-hour drive away.  but still, this confirms the end of fit club and our weekly playdates with the kids.  i'm still mourning the loss of those, as is the bean.

and so a couple of nights ago, we gathered at musha in pasadena for a fun girls-only dinner.  we were so engrossed in our conversation (which got pretty deep at times) that i didn't really take a whole lot of pictures.

but we sure had a lot of delicious food, starting with green bean salad:

MFC - fried chicken musha-style.  get it?

delicious pork belly.  i can't remember the actual name of the dish, but it was tender and savory and fantastic.

this was fried shrimp dressed with a tasty mayo-based sauce.

we may have had other stuff too, but after the risotto arrived i was blind to everything else.  they brought it to the table in this giant block of cheese:

and scooped it out for us into a regular dish to share.  maybe they were afraid we'd start gnawing on the cheese.  they may not have been too far off.

it was a lovely send-off for our pal kelley, who's been such a wonderful friend to me and one of my biggest cheerleaders when it comes to - well, everything, but mainly my quest for fitness.  her li'l d is one of the bean's favorite friends, and i hope we still get to see them on a regular basis.

and if not, we'll just drive down to san diego and toss 'em in the car to go do something fun.  there's always a way.


  1. I'm sad Kelley is moving, too. And now I'm craving Musha. Their SaMo location was a fav destination for us.

    1. between kelley, you, our dear friend R, my ILs, brother wan...i feel like so many people i love are so freaking far away now :(

  2. I'm gonna miss you!! I'm 95% we'll make it on the 6th! Gonna make it happen. <3 you lots!

  3. that cheese risotto is one of my faves just because of the giant hunk o' parmigiano reggiano! didn't know there is a musha in pasadena now!

  4. Wow, this bash looks fabulous. Everything looks very tasty. I wish I could grab everything right now. Anyways, we also would like to host a grand farewell party for one of our friends and currently seeking some suggestions for the best Los Angeles event venues.


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