wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


a few months ago, my friend winnie put out a call to me and lilcee to see if we were interested in joining her in the color run at dodger stadium.  although the teen and i had already conquered a similar race last year, we'd talked about taking the bean the next time one of these came around.  and so it wasn't very hard to talk us into signing up.

because i hate doing race day check-ins, the girls and i trucked it out to burbank the day before the run to pick up our bibs and tees.

as you can see, they really make a big deal out of this being a super duper fun 5K.  looks like all that marketing works, though, because the race sold out.  20,000 people split into two waves - crazy.  this also meant that there was a plethora of folks heading to sports authority to pick up their stuff.

inside our goody bag was a t-shirt, a sweatband, a numbered bib, and a color pack.  the teen and i got orange and blue.  because she got to participate for free, the bean didn't get a goody bag.

so we headed to the merchandise stand to pick up some stuff to make her official.

it didn't seem to faze her, though.  she was more interested in heading over to the exercise equipment to work on her fitness.

back at home, we surveyed our loot.

and because our shirts weren't fabulous enough, the teen got to work with a heat tool and some rhinestones.

here's hers:

her sister sweet-talked her into sprucing up her shirt too.

well, since everyone else was doing it...

pretty snazzy, right?


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

partying like rock stars

the hub and i headed out to hollywood one evening for a date night somewhere new (to us): grandmaster recorders . this building was construc...