wan-na find something?

Monday, October 17, 2022

our little freshman

i just realized that i haven't gotten around to sharing the annual first day of school photo yet!  i guess maybe it's because we were so distracted with the new school and trying to make sure that we had everything turned in and uniforms ordered and school supplies ready.  you know...the usual.

plus, this year we had the added bonus of the freshman retreat that kicked off the first week of school.  to help with breaking the ice and give them all a kickstart in bonding with their classmates, they headed out to the beach for a 2.5-day camping trip.  and yup, that included setting up their own tents, making their meals together, heading out on a kayaking expedition...all kinds of fun.  we had a whole checklist of items to gather together, and we got it all packed up the night before.

we got to campus bright and early the next day, and met up with the bean's BFF before snapping a couple of pictures and driving away, leaving them to board the bus for the 2-hour drive to the beachside campsite.

they were pretty relieved when i got to campus a couple of days later to pick them up.  relieved...and tired...and a little smelly.  heh.

and then the next day was the first day of classes, so that's what i'm counting as the real first day of school.  the chalkboard came out and they posed for me...reluctantly, but that's to be expected.

all i wanted was one good group picture, but i got...these.  sigh.

and of course, the annual comparison photo.  because i have to.

it's been a tough transition, with everything being new to the bean (and her BFF) and adjusting to the tougher classes and homework load.  but they've made a new group of friends and they all hang out at school to have dinner together and get a head start on homework most days - i don't even get the "please pick me up" text till around 7pm most nights.  

phew.  i just know these next four years are going to fly by.  yikes.

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um, i think.

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