wan-na find something?

Friday, June 15, 2007

today IS another day.

i know i was a total debby downer yesterday, which is rather unlike me as i usually try to maintain a ridiculously optimistic attitude. luckily, i have a really fabulous husband who dropped everything to come home and spend the afternoon with me. and together, we ended terrible thursday on a much happier note.

considering the major 'zilla he'd been while we were wedding planning, i had a pretty good feeling that he'd want to be a part of registering for nursery/baby items. and, not surprisingly, just like when we started talking about registering for the wedding, he balked big time. as fun as presents are, it just seems....weird to pick stuff out, knowing folks could be buying it for us. you know?

"we don't need to do that, we'll just buy everything we need."
"i know that, but there's a shower being planned and i'm being asked to register. it makes things easier for everyone else."
"bleh. isn't there a williams-sonoma or a sur la table for babies??"

so, knowing that what cures all my ills is shopping...off we were to pottery barn kids. we got to check out all sorts of fun stuff, from bibs to cribs. AAAAND, he must've really been feeling sorry for me, because i got to hold the scanning gun and pick out everything in pink. quelle surprise! and, voila - our first baby registry est fini.

too. much. fun. all i have to do now is hit up babies r'us and we'll be all set. yay for registering!

and now father's day is quickly approaching. although the kid and i have given him father's day cards in the past, it's just different this year. i wasn't really sure what to do or what to buy, but i settled on putting together a few little things. here's what i ended up with:

the mini frame holds a copy of the clearest ultrasound photo we've got thus far, and it's for his desk at work. i hope he likes it.

have a wonderful weekend, and happy daddy's day!


  1. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Registries!! Or should I say girl? Whatevs. Yay for feeling better. :)


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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