wan-na find something?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Stuff, please pick up the pink courtesy phone

i'm super excited that my first giveaway was such a success! i knew dangling a freebie - especially something as delicious as ben & jerry's - would bring your asses out. haha!

seriously, it was awesome to hear from so many readers. i appreciated all of the comment love and kind words! i've already forwarded your e-mails to my buddy over at ben & jerry's, and she'll contact you within the next few days to get your mailing information (if she hasn't already). just FYI, she doesn't work directly for b&j's - they outsource their social networking media relations, so just look for an e-mail from amanda.

a couple of things: Just Stuff, you actually did make the cut! there were a few who commented twice, and so the number of comments didn't actually match the number of winners. you were #25! yay! so if you can provide your e-mail address, i'll forward it over to amanda and she'll get your prize over to you.

also, for nicole (nmquinn), what i do with the iced coffee is to mix the grounds and water and leave it overnight in the fridge. it's usually the last thing i do before i go to bed. the longer it brews, the yummier it is! definitely give it another try if you haven't already.

happy weekend, everyone!


  1. i just got the e-mail!

    Subject: Wan Life to Live Flipped Out Giveaway

    awesome. thanks again, wan!!! can't wait to try it.

  2. Hey Wan! Thank you for following up. I will try again :~)

  3. lucky bitches. do more giveaways when i'm not working and on the internet all day, please. ;)

  4. I got my email too! Thanks again! I can't wait.

  5. Thank so much for the giveaway :) I got the email!

  6. JealousE. Hmph.

    (but don't worry, I still love you since you do give me yummy treats when I see you)

  7. I got my email too...from a Gloria though. The email had the same subject line as everyone else so I think it's ledgit ;) Thanks Wan!!

  8. ditto, tater and winnie. hmph, I see how it goes - you screw over your regulars. ;)

  9. ::ring, ring::
    pink courtesy phone is ringing!

    glad i made the cut! w00t!

    email: denisamcintyre at gmail dot com

    thank you! thank you! thank you!

  10. Hi, I got my coupon, looking forward to trying it!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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