wan-na find something?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

date night with the hub

last weekend, the hub and i got to have a rare date night - to attend a wedding for friends of his through the lounge.  while i'd never met these folks before, i was excited for an evening out that even gave me an excuse to get dressed up a little.  and hey, i love weddings.  so it was totally a win-win situation.

even better, it was at a venue that was almost literally just around the corner from the house.  it had been a really warm day, but by the time we were seated for the outdoor ceremony the sun was going down and a lovely breeze wafted through to cool us all off.

a quick selfie, which has turned into one of my new favorite pictures of us.

i'm such a sap, even my accessories were carefully chosen for the event.

the ceremony itself was blessedly short and sweet.  it was lovely, personal, and just the right amount of pinterest-y.  the guys wore black chucks with their suits and the flower girls carried little signs that said "uncle, your bride is coming!" which they flipped over at the end of the ceremony towards the new husband and wife to show another personalized sentiment that made them all laugh.

the bar was open immediately after the bridal party disappeared back down the aisle for pictures.  i'm not a huge drinker, but in social situations i feel like i kind of have to have at least one.  that night's beverage of choice was a margarita, which i sipped slowly enough to last through cocktail hour.  heh.

meanwhile, the bean was having a blast with mini cee at mini DG's birthday party.  i'd managed to beg her sister to take her so that she wouldn't miss out on the fun while we were at this wedding.

here's another shot of us, to show off the super cute (and comfy) dress i'd gotten from rent the runway.

we enjoyed standard wedding fare, including chicken entrees, champagne toasts, speeches and a slideshow of the couple.  it was fun to listen to the hub and his friends banter back and forth, and i chatted for most of the evening with one of the wives (who also served as our family photographer for this last year's photo shoot).

oh, and we hit the photo booth too.  of course.  i love when the hub gets silly - this guy is seriously always the life of the party.

we still managed to get home at a decent hour, and the girls were both wiped out on the couch.  it seemed that everyone had had a great time.

and believe it or not, the hub and i managed to have not one, but TWO day dates last week.  it was amazing, and after all the time we've spent apart since he opened the lounge (it'll be two years in july, can you believe it??), it felt awesome to have some serious quality time, just the two of us.  we've actually got a weekend getaway planned next month too, which we've both been looking forward to for months.

after almost fifteen years together, we've still got it!

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i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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