wan-na find something?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

allo, gov'na!

with the girls still sleeping off that giant dinner we'd had the night before, the hub and i snuck away to take a quick walk together and grab some coffee.

when we got back, it was time to get packed up and head out for our next destination...sacramento and the california state capitol building.  it was a 2-hour drive to cover the 90-ish mile distance, and when we arrived the bean was more than happy to get out and stretch her legs a bit.

we walked up the front steps towards this door, which has apparently been locked since 2014.  there's a CHP officer guarding it at all times, and we were directed to go around to a different entrance where our bags were x-rayed as we walked through a metal detector.

the capitol building was built in the 1850s, and it's beautiful and pretty cool to walk through.  there's a museum inside, where rooms such as the governor's offices and the secretary of state's office are furnished as they were back in the early 1900s.

the old lady remembered walking through the building years ago, when she was her sister's age.  and we're hoping that maybe this will have been a good experience for the bean to draw upon when she starts learning about state history in school.  one can only hope.

the gift shop was just beyond this statue.  there's a whole lotta love for ronald reagan in this place.

and there was lots of great literature to pick up and learn all about california.

checking out the senate and assembly galleries was cool too, although the bean wasn't entirely sure what was so interesting about these big rooms where we had to be quiet even though no one was in there.

downstairs in the hallway leading to the governor's office, there are displays that show off highlights from every county in the state.  here's the one for l.a.:

and a cheesy photo op in front of the governor's office.

 then we headed back outside to hop in the car and find some lunch.

yelp brought us here:

the fox & goose here in sacramento is modeled after the original restaurant in northern england has been in operation for 200 years.  this one is in a brick building that once housed an old paint and glass factory that was built in 1917.

i guess i didn't take pictures of anyone else's food but mine - a cornish pasty (basically like a hand pie stuffed with beef stew) and a toasted crumpet with devonshire cream and lemon curd.  so yum.

makes me want to head out and have afternoon tea again.

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um, i think.

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