wan-na find something?

Thursday, January 12, 2017


i was thinking the other day that i used to make an annual list of things i wanted to accomplish in the coming year, and i've slacked on that for the last few.  it's time to bring that back, i think.  and while the items on my list seem pretty silly, it's all good stuff that will help my life in one way or another.  here goes:

  • my fabric stash is out of freaking control.  i have waaaaay too much of it and tons of great patterns that i could use to start sewing through it.  and so starting next week, i vow to sew at least two items every week - whether they're a simple top, a pair of pants, a dress, something.  it'll be good to get through all that fabric, and i also vow not to buy any more until i use up a good chunk of my stash.
  • this one is pretty doable, but putting it in writing will be good:  go to barre at least three times a week.  and it would be good to supplement that with something else in between classes...i just don't know what yet.  most likely, i'll be hanging out with jillian michaels via dvd.  those videos did me a lot of good a few years ago, and i need her magic again.
  • we've done a lot of eating out lately.  i'd like to pledge to make dinner at home a minimum of three nights a week.  my instant pot is going to get her own workout this year.
  • i've started that money saving challenge - you know, the one where you put $1 in a jar at the beginning of the year and then $2 the next week, $3 the following week, and so on.  supposedly i'll get to $1300+ by the end of the year, which will make for some great christmas shopping.  
  • along those lines, i need to yank on the reins of my impulse shopping - like those stupid things i order on facebook, or the dollar bins at target.  stuff that i really don't need, and only adds to the clutter that i'm really trying to get rid of in the house.  
  • also in that vein, i really need to go through all of my invitation making supplies - paper, stickers, embellishments, tools, etc.  there's a lot of things in there i'll never use again, and maybe i can post it on my local facebook page and make a little cash to throw in my jar.  win-win!
  • i'd really like to make date night a thing.  like, the hub and i deserve to get out for at least one evening a month, whether it's just a movie and dinner or what have you.  no, there aren't any problems or anything!  but we're so busy we forget to carve out time for the two of us, and that's important.  
  • i WILL see the bottom of the laundry hampers at least once a week.  that includes going to the dry cleaners on the regular and making sure everything actually gets folded and put away.  ugh.  the bane of my existence.
  • over the holidays, i got back into the habit of sipping on a soda more than i should.  it was at least once a day, which doesn't sound terrible but it's really not good for me.  at most, i'll have it once a week, and hopefully not even that.  to go with that, i want to keep up my starbucks ban. it's done a lot of good money-wise, and even when the coffee bean & tea leaf opens up nearby, i'll still do my best to stay away.  i. can. do. it.
  • lastly, i'm going to make sure i get back to clearing out my closet at least on a quarterly basis.  i find myself wearing the same stuff all the time, which isn't terrible considering nobody really sees me anyway.  and there are so many things in there that i really don't wear anymore, and haven't in several years.  time to whittle down the wardrobe.
and there you have it.  i figure, if it's blog-official, it'll happen.  right?  right??

1 comment:

  1. We did the money saving challenge a year of two ago. It was so helpful as a Christmas savings account. Only thing is, and I didn't really think about this until I pulled the $ out, a good chunk of money is deposited in the last few weeks. We just stopped around week 43/44 and ended up with ~$600. It helped a lot but wasn't the $1000+ I was expecting. It's not stopping us from doing it again this year though. 😜


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