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Friday, October 20, 2017

cookies and nail art go hand in hand

it's been a little quiet on the cookie front lately, although i've still managed to get a few fun designs done.  i can't remember if i showed you these - they're from that weekend we spent in huntington beach last month:

baby shower cookies are always, always fun to do.

and so are stick figure cheerleaders!  i love trotting this design out whenever possible.

the bean's kindergarten teacher hit me up to do some cookies for a birthday party during which they were going to be watching both the dodgers and USC football, so she got these:

and one of my friends is throwing a starbucks-themed party for her daughter.  i actually really like how these came out:

do you remember when i got my nails done for our hawaii trip?

i got to recreate them in cookie form!

and speaking of nails, i've been having some fun with nail art lately.  whenever it's time to freshen up my manicure, i look for cute designs online and make the poor nail tech recreate them for me.  heh.  but come on, aren't these fun?

i'm due for another manicure...i wonder what i'll come up with next.  

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i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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