wan-na find something?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

sugar, spice and everything nice...plus a little chemical X

i'd received an email from the paley center telling me that they were going to host an exhibition to celebrate 25 years of cartoon network.  now, i wouldn't normally look twice at this, but because the bean (and her sister before her) is a big powderpuff girls fan i thought maybe it might be fun to surprise her with a visit.

saturday was the first day of the exhibit, which was also deemed "family day" during which there would be fun activities for kids to work on as well as free screenings of the various cartoon network shows.  the bean grabbed her favorite powerpuff girl, hopped in the car and off we went to beverly hills.

when we arrived the center had just opened and there were just a few people milling about and watching their kids work on coloring pages.  it was bright and colorful and fun to look around.

we followed this sign upstairs to the screening room to watch the powerpuff girls for a bit.

this display was really cool - made with a bunch of pencils.

these explained some details about the animation process:

as we made our way to the second level via the front steps, we paused to look at these super fun bags:

in the gallery upstairs we browsed through all sorts of fun stuff, like these stop motion sets from the show "adventure time."

and more powerpuff girls stuff, too:

here you can create your own powerpuff girl avatar:

do you know blossom, bubbles and buttercup?  if not, now you do:

she paused here to put on some headphones and watch a couple of cartoon network music videos.

and tucked away in a back corner, another photo op:

and characters from another CN show that i'm not familiar with.

in the gift shop downstairs, you could pick up one of those burger and hot dog bags, powerpuff girl socks, phone cases or maybe this shirt with the official 25 years logo:

the bean decided to sit down and create a flip book of the powerpuff girls, and it was fun to watch her work:

which also caught the eye of one of the photographers who were snapping shots of the kids enjoying the activity tables.

on our way out, she paused for one last photo:

the exhibit runs through november 19th, so if you're a cartoon network fan you've got some time to get yourself to beverly hills and check it out.

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