wan-na find something?

Friday, January 3, 2020

best. christmas. day. EVER.

shockingly, everyone slept in on christmas day.  i woke up around 7:30, looked around and heard nothing from anyone - not even the puppies.  around 8, they finally perked up when they heard stevie coming down the hall.

everyone got up and made their way to the living room, where we all took our spots while the bean got busy delivering stockings and presents.  as always, the yule log on tv was part of our morning.

i was pretty amused at the first present i opened - it was long and bendy and floppy.  i ripped it open to find the first part of a pretty sweet lululemon haul.

the bean was super stoked to open her present from santa and find the weighted blanket that had been at the top of her list.  i swear, my kid is like 65 years old.  she was legit so excited to bust it out and start using it right away.

meanwhile, everyone else was happily tearing the paper off of their own presents from santa.

this particular gift was one that i'd strayed away from the special friend's wish list for, and it was one of the last ones i wrapped the night before.  i...ran out of paper.  heh.

he's a pretty big sneaker aficionado, so the old lady assured me that he would absolutely love it - a display case that holds six pairs of his most favorite kicks, with remote-controlled LED lighting.  i was pretty happy to see that he was indeed pretty excited when he realized what it was, and it was cool when he put it together.

everyone else was tearing into their gifts happily, tossing wrapping paper into a huge pile and squealing over what they found inside.  it's always so much fun to see their reactions to their gifts, even though most of them were from their own wish lists.  i mean, you never know what you're gonna get, right?

this was my christmas card from the ILs. isn't it pretty?

the old lady was excited to test out her new microfiber hair towel that came with her favorite hair mask.

aaaaaand the aftermath.  while it looks like a crazy mess, it took just a few minutes for everyone to clean up while i headed into the kitchen to get breakfast served.

i couldn't find my 9x13 baking pan for some reason, but i found a great substitute for our traditional tater tot breakfast casserole:

the hub, still trying to stick to his carb-free diet, had a nice omelet topped with chili verde.

and of course, we popped open some champagne for mimosas.

we all got to say hello to the ILs via FaceTime on the hub's phone:

and i made good on a promise i'd made to also serve up some pigs in a blanket using the new pan i'd found at one of those "as seen on tv" stores at the mall.

we took our traditional matching pajamas photo, of course.  and it was at this moment that i really missed molly.  it was our first christmas in 15 years without her, and i felt her absence all day long.

and we spent the rest of the day just hanging out, watching movies and dozing off and basically having the best day ever.  no one had to go anywhere or do anything, and it was just a wonderful day together.  after the old lady, her special friend and stevie packed up their car and headed home i looked over and saw this:

merry christmas to all, and to all a good night!


  1. To be honest, and not being materialistic at all, but that no-gifts rule made by new family initiated many years ago changed ALL of life's events celebration for me. :(

  2. I'm glad you had the same issues with your piggy pops that I did. Did you try them again and have better luck? I still haven't figured out mine.


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um, i think.

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