wan-na find something?

Monday, June 23, 2008

brunch - good.

yesterday, i met up with a fun group of girlfriends to have brunch at belmont brewing company in long beach. you can see better pictures and descriptions of the eats here (although i managed to take a picture of my fabulous lobster, shrimp and scallops crepes). we had a great time as always, and it was an extra added bonus to get away from the hellish heat at home.

while i enjoyed some time with the girls, the hub and the bean headed off to the nearby aquarium of the pacific. when we were done with brunch, i texted him to let him know we were winding up, and he said that they weren't within walking distance. so WeeMo and amber graciously offered to drive me over, and off we went.

but oh, poor ashley. she'd followed us so that she could finally meet the bean, and somehow we lost her in the crazy traffic leading up to the parking structure for the aquarium. sorry, ash!

as we wound our way through the structure, looking for a place to park, i managed to find where the hub had parked the car. oh, oh, and then a few seconds later, there he was, wheeling the bean in her stroller. heh. i said a quick goodbye and hopped out before they ended up leaving in search of...well, me. ha!

WeeMo and amber drove around to say hello to the hub and the bean, and then we parted ways. it was a lovely day out in the LBC, but aside from driving by the ol' queen mary and a whole lot of boats in the marina, we really couldn't think of a damn thing to do. so we gave up and headed back to home, where the a/c was crankin' and the couch begged for me to lay on it and take a nap.

from here, the rest of our day was boring as hell - a pitstop at foster's freeze for some ice cream, a trip to home depot, a stop at barnes & noble, dinner at sensei.

so i'll leave you with some fun pics of the bean.

watching the sharks at the aquarium. btw, i knew i could count on amber to notice that i'd dressed her in an outfit with little embroidered fish sprinkled all over it. i knew it.

modeling one of her two new pairs of sunglasses, while showing off her raspberry-blowing skillz.

rockin' her ponytail.

she's already pulling herself up to a standing position. at 8.5 months. god help me.

perfecting that crawling thing.

downward facing dog. nice form!

i still giggle at the pigtails.

and, so, yeah. parents magazine is running a cover model search. um, yeah.



  1. Seriously...I read the tags...so I kinda get it...but why on earth is your ice cream purple?

  2. ditto thatgirl -- purple?

    of course i noticed the fish! because i would have done the same darn thing! ;)

  3. i tried to find it on their website, but no such luck.

    foster's freeze offers fun, freaky flavors for dipping the cones in addition to chocolate. yesterday's offerings included grape and bubble gum.

    i had a HELL of a time trying to pick one.

  4. LOL on the downward dog. You've got a yoga-phile on your hands :)

  5. I heart the BBC! Delicious food and perfect location! Those pics of the Bean are too cute for words! The pigtail pic is pretty darn sweet!

  6. oh hell, that kid has more pairs of sunglass than me!

    brunch was fab;)

  7. I was just about to ask about the neon ice cream!

    Cutie Bean! Her pics always fill me with glee. :)

  8. not too sure about the grape coating...

    brunch was lovely. :)

  9. She is sooooooooooo cute! Just link us when the voting starts ;)

  10. Rated 5 stars! Recommended too! is there anything else I should have done? You know I'm a sucker for voting for the bean.

  11. your boring days cram more into them than my busy days sometimes. :)
    also....you will so win that contest. hel-LO? one look at those pigtails and she's in.

  12. Brunch looks great! And, the bean is adorable!

  13. You know you're in trouble with that little one, don't you?


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