wan-na find something?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the house of bean

so i'm trying not to jinx the house thing (i was even hesitant to mention it yesterday, but it's such a biggie that i couldn't NOT say anything). although i did take some pictures over the weekend, and found a little surprise in a couple of them:

the bean is a total crack-up. she's made herself really comfy in the house already, running through the halls, hiding in the closets, even acting as a tour guide for the grandparents and the teen when they came to see it for the first time. "here's kitchen. food goes here," she would say with a hand on one hip and the other flung out at her side, vanna-style. and then she'd trot off, pausing to turn around and say "come on, follow me!" as she entered each bedroom and declare it as "mommy and daddy's room" or "sister's room" or "my room."

she likes exploring the back yard, too.

over the weekend, we brought over some folding chairs and some dee-licious grub and had ourselves a picnic in the living room. awww, our first lunch in the new house.

such a ham.

the next 30-45ish days are going to drag and fly at the same time. i can't wait to move in and start making some new memories.

btw, i wasn't implying yesterday by any stretch of the imagination that i'd stop blogging. i started this thing as a way to document our day-to-day lives...so we could look at it later on and enjoy the memories. having you all to share it with is a happy, unexpected bonus, and whether you keep reading or drop me from your list, i'll still be here. i really enjoy blogging, so i'm not going anywhere!


  1. Dude - I'm going to need to see more of the kitchen than that peasly shot of the counter.

  2. Congratulations on the house. The Bean is soo cute!

  3. The bean is adorable once again. I know you are staying away from the nest message boards (which is where i found your blog) but you must visit the D&R there are some amazing ladies on there. I love home decor so im excited to see what you do with your new house! again congrats.

  4. hope everything works out smoothly! i have great memories of eating our first meal on the floor in our shoebox. :)

  5. that is so cool...congrats! i bet you are already invisioning the decorations for the parties you'll host in the backyard. ;)

  6. Congrats! Can't wait to see how you make it your own:)

  7. I really love the photos of the big empty rooms with the teeny-tiny bean in them. Precious.

  8. So excited for you! Are you staying in the same area?

  9. yay for pics of new house! and love bean's cameos.

  10. She is so cute! And congrats again on the house, good luck with the rest of escrow!

  11. Congratulations on the house! I really enjoy your blog, so I'm not going anywhere either. ;-)

  12. OK, I figured if I looked at the blog I'd find some pics. Very exciting, I'm so happy for you guys!


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