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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

checking in

so we're on day three of our road trip extravaganza and have learned some fun tidbits about massachusetts:

* they love them some dunkin donuts. there's one on every corner, and sometimes they're right across the street from each other.
* traffic here is about as shitty as in l.a. but it's kinda cool to drive in tunnels under the bay.
* "turnpike" is fun to say.
* the accent is cute. like, our trolley driver called the arena "the gaaaaaahhhhhden."
* it's really green out here.
* drivers are pretty stinking impatient. folks honk their horn if you don't take off a nanosecond after the light turns green.
* parking anywhere is a pain in the ass.
* mmmmm, lobster rolls.
* the history here is amazing (which I'm sure will apply to the entire east coast). seriously, it's awesome to see buildings, landmarks, etc. that have been there since the 1600s. incredible.

we even got to squeeze in the midnight premiere of "eclipse" that capped off a great afternoon with my SFAM trish and her hub. we're still not adjusted to the time difference and have been sleeping till 10. d-oh!

but we're having a blast, and the girls are great travelers. good times. plus, I'm writing this post via the iPad as we head down the highway.

rhode island, here we come!


  1. Awesome!!! I love the updates. Keep them coming!

  2. Fun! We need pictures! And yay for seeing Trish! How fun!

  3. heh. I sleep to 10 on the regular. I love how green it is back East. It's literally shocking.

  4. in rhode island make sure you get some clam cakes and chowder...if u need places let me know where you are going to be and i will tell you...they are a must. also, try a del's lemonade. and if you are going to be in providence, make sure you hit federal hill!!

  5. aww..seems like you guys are having a blast.
    thanks for checking in :)

  6. i cannot stand that accent. brother has dunkin donuts running in his veins after living near baahhston for just a few years.

  7. I always sleep til 10 (or later) when the opportunity arises (e.g. weekends). Can't wait to hear more about your trip. (and dammit, I need an ipad!)

  8. Mass is my favorite equal-opportunity state. :)

    And my least favorite state of drivers.


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