wan-na find something?

Friday, August 18, 2017

a day of "one last time"s

it's always a little weird to get to the last day of a vacation and your flight home doesn't take off until later in the evening.  that was the case for us on our final day in paradise.  we had to be checked out of our hotel room by 11, but we didn't really need to leave for the airport until at least 5 or so.

packing at the end of vacation always sucks so hard.

and the floaties we'd used so happily all week long sat sadly in the corner, waiting for one last whirl in that fabulous waikiki water.

while the hub headed down to see if we could either get a later checkout time or maybe pay to stay in one of the rooms for half day, the girls and i threw on our bathing suits, grabbed those floaties and made a beeline for the beach.

after awhile, we got hungry and decided to meet up with the hub to grab some lunch together.  we headed upstairs to our room-for-the-day to drop off our gear and put on some dry clothes.

we decided to walk to cheeseburger waikiki, which is also one of our hawaii traditions, and stopped briefly to pay homage to the statue of duke along the way.

cheeseburger was just a couple of blocks away.

we shared an order of island style fries, topped with cheese, kalua pig and bbq sauce.

my cheeseburger was also island style, with similar toppings.  pretty tasty.

she insisted on posing here.

and then we had just enough time to head back to our umbrella and enjoy a couple of final hours at the beach.  the old lady had had enough of the sun and surf and opted to just hang out while the bean frolicked in the water for as long as she possibly could.  because i could feel my skin starting to rebel against the prolonged sun exposure, i stayed with her for a good chunk of time.

and what's a trip to hawaii without at least one xtend anywhere photo submission?

all too soon, it was time to pack it up for good and head upstairs to take showers and get ready for the long trip home.  we got cleaned up, packed the rest of our stuff in our bags and headed down to hop into the jeep one last time.

bye bye, moana surfrider!  thanks for a wonderful week!

although we'd milked our hotel room for as much time as we could get away with, we were still a good hour ahead of schedule.  and so we decided to make one more pitstop before making our way to the airport - waiola shave ice, which has replaced matsumoto in our hearts as our most favorite spot for the cold, refreshing treat.  i don't know what they do to it, but their ice is shaved so finely that it really just melts in your mouth while still holding onto the perfect amount of syrup.  so good.

and this time, the hub opted for the azuki bean topping.  i don't think he loved it, but at least now he can say he tried it at least once.

we somehow managed to get lost as we headed back towards the airport and ended up here, where we got as far as the front gate before making a quick u-turn to get the hell outta there.

and then we were here:

and after a little bit of waiting around (which gave us enough time to grab something to eat before the flight), we were here.

thank goodness the flight was only 4.5 hours long, because that plane offered probably one of the most uncomfortable seats i've ever had to fly in.  like, ever.  i couldn't get comfy, but because of my skin issues i'd popped a couple of benadryls and managed to pass out for most of the flight.  we took off from honolulu just before 9pm hawaiian time and landed at 4:30 the next morning at LAX.

after grabbing our luggage and climbing aboard the shuttle to park & fly, we hopped into the car and got home somewhere around 6am.  we all fell asleep, although the old lady had to get up to go to work around 10 and then the bean had cheer practice at 5.

welcome home, huh?

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