wan-na find something?

Friday, August 29, 2008

worms are safe from me

we're off to mammoth for the holiday weekend. whee! i've got my bag full of magazines to read, snacks for the car ride, and i'm bringing all the makings for invitations to the bean's first birthday party. i don't fish, but i'm looking forward to the downtime with the hub. i wish the teen could come, but of course, she's off to spend the week with her dad. boo.

oh, yeah: we still have to pack. we always end up packing at the last. freaking. minute. oy vey.

happy labor day weekend! i leave you with a present:

i crack up at that face she makes towards the end. aren't kazoos fun?


  1. ok you, er the bean, may just have converted me from a kazoo hater.

  2. have fun!
    Love the kazoo. It's much better with the bean visual.

  3. See! The bean + pigtails = match made in heaven.

  4. so cute! what a fun Friday video. :-)

  5. Be safe! I love Mammoth, totally jealous of all your travels lately.

  6. Have a fun weekend with the cutest baby ever! I love making crafts on vacation!

  7. I hope Mammoth turned out to be as much fun as the bean with her kazoo.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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