wan-na find something?

Friday, December 26, 2008

makin' like a bunch of santa's elves

christmas eve with the wans was jam-packed and lots of fun.

i got to pick up the teen from her dad at noon, and we headed off to brave the crowds at target and best buy for some last-last-minute gifts. i was truly terrified at the thought, but there were some things we needed to pick up aside from gifts. and while parking was most definitely at a premium, i was pleasantly surprised to find that the ridiculously long lines and pushing and shoving that usually go with christmas eve shopping were nowhere to be found. instead, there were highly organized lines, lots of cashiers at the ready, and fellow shoppers all aglow with christmas spirit. yay!

we went home, starbucks drinks in hand, and while the teen entertained the bean, i threw together the ingredients for that night's spaghetti dinner. with the sauce merrily simmering on the stove, i tackled the next project - wrapping presents.

the hub swung by and picked up the teen for yet another target run - presumably to pick up stocking stuffers for yours truly. heh. and after they got home and spent some quality time in the garage with a couple of rolls of wrapping paper and tape, our tree looked quite cheerful indeed. the stockings, hung on the mantel with care, were happy-looking as well.

as i scurried around the house, stirring the sauce, putting gifts under the tree, and getting myself ready, the bean had a snack.

at last, the spaghetti and clearman's cheese bread was ready, and we had just enough time to enjoy our dinner before leaving for christmas eve service at church.

the service was really lovely, with lots of music and passages from the bible about that night that jesus was born. you know, the real reason behind christmas. heh. we sat in the very last pew on one side of the church, out of the way, and the bean was delighted to be put down to toddle from one end to the other, snatching up offering envelopes as she went. she did really well and was quiet for the most part.

then as everyone exited the church, we were given candles to light and hold as we gathered outside and sang one more christmas carol together. we'd gotten a lucky break from the rain, and it was a beautiful sight to see the entire congregation out there in the cold, crisp night, faces lit by soft candlelight. the hub's grandparents found us and we were able to exchange quick christmas hugs before the rain began again and we ran to the car to head home.

my family was having a party for the holiday at my aunt's house that night. we originally hadn't planned on joining the fun as our schedule was already so full, but decided to stop in to say hello on our way home from church. it was great to see everyone, and the bean enjoyed playing with my cousin's daughter (and her toys). they're only a week apart, and it was interesting to compare notes with her mother to see which milestones she'd reached.

it was also nice to see my cousins, including seven - who was a bit inebriated, but still funny as hell.

the interest in different toys waned quickly, and before we could get comfy, we made the rounds of goodbye hugs (even though it seemed that we'd just finished the rounds of "hello" hugs, heh) and headed home.

i put the bean in her christmas pajamas, and she fell asleep quickly. it was late, and we were looking at an early start. the teen's schedule every christmas puts her back at her dad's house by 8 the next morning, so we always get up at a ridiculous hour to exchange presents.

yay for christmas!


  1. I've never been to Clearman's. It's really close to LMN's place. Is it worth trying?

  2. Yay for Christmas is right! Hope you had a merry one!

  3. Were you guys poking the bean with a stick???

  4. i still can't get over that the bean and her cousin are only a week apart.

    sounds like a fun christmas eve night :)

  5. don't tell my mom, but i kinda miss christmas eve candlelight services.

  6. Your tree looks so purrty! What a busy Christmas Eve you had.


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um, i think.

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