wan-na find something?

Friday, March 27, 2009

just when i thought it was over

the fucker figured out how to send me an e-mail on facebook.

and, because i am a glutton for punishment, i read it. but this time, i'm just amused as hell. for cereal. i mean, look at this hot ass mess:

Sorry, but das message you left me dont make no sense at all. sounds like you mad or sumthin'. anyways, dont be mad at me cuz you a High School Drop-out or No College Degreee.....that's yo fault.....it's all good tho, we are all Ghetto in some ways, right? Peace-out!

i can't stop laughing. and i guess i need to see if i can block this mofo, but since i don't plan to reply any further, it doesn't matter.

unless he decides to keep harassing me. oy.


  1. You can totally block him.

    I only wish I had as much free time as that loser. Judging by his grammar he could stand to spend a little more time in ANY institution of learning let alon higher. Like, say, maybe he needs to go back to THIRD GRADE??? He's a weenie.

  2. did this person graduate high school? sounds like a real winner!

  3. We really should stop making fun of this dude. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for poking fun at someone who is obviously brain damaged.

    I would say that he is retarded, but I don't want to insult the mentally handicapped with that assumption.

  4. Ok, I am delurking to Laugh my ass off. Who talks like that? I think you should copy and paste his idiodic messages and let everyone know what a tool this guy is. You could title it "The Graduate (his name)".

  5. You've got to be kidding me? There's no way he graduated elementary school let alone high school or college.

  6. I seriously laughed out loud when I read his response. I agree with cagequeen, what a weenie! lol He's not even worth a response.

  7. I bet English class was his strong suit :)

  8. Isn't there a saying~ When you point the finger at someone, you still have 3 fingers pointing back at you? Hahaha!! This dude is a loser x 1000. Wow.

  9. lol. i guess we need to thank him for all the free laughs. :D

  10. Are you sure you didn't turn this dude down for a date or somethin' back in high school?? He sounds desperate for attention. My overactive imagination is telling me that this is the classic popular cheerleader turning down ugly geek boy who is still trying to prove himself to be cool 20 years later type of story . . .

  11. delurking here as well, what's he trying to prove other than the fact that he's short a few screws! I think he qualifies for a Darwin award.

    For what its worth the FB blocking function is great! It hides any trace of you so he cant even find you if he searches for you or see any posts you leave with any mutual friends.

  12. OMG!!! What a FREAKIN' Jerk!!! He just can't stay away, can he? He has nothing better to do than to just berate you. Err!!! I think if you go to your Settings--Privacy area you can block him.

  13. Wow, that doesn't even deserve a response. He seriously needs to get a life. Peace out indeed.

  14. Seriously?!

    can we all befriend him and be jerks to him, just for shits and giggles...PLEASE?!

  15. hahaha, don't block him, cus the stuff he says is funny as hell in like he's so stupid it's funny you know.

  16. Dahahaha! I luuuurve Kay's comment above!

  17. How do people who speak like that make it into adulthood? Holy $hit!

  18. Hi,

    I'm a de-lurker here...I know your blog thru Weezer-Monkey's blog.

    I think that dude is trying to letter in E-bonics.....SERIOUSLY!

    What an assclown!!!

  19. Look guurl, d0nt getz mad
    Dont hate the playa, hate da game. Dude's just tryin to holla at a shorty. R1ght?? Peace out!

  20. I am revisiting and laughing so hard at insom now.


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