wan-na find something?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a sweet sendoff, and a winner!

so it's been almost two weeks now since i left my super fun job at dots cupcakes.  while i'm really loving this time to spend with the bean and the teen, i miss my friends at the shop.  and the interaction with all sorts of fun people (and not-so-fun ones, too).  well, and the easy access to cupcakes all. the. time.

my last day came all too quickly, and with it being the weekend before valentine's day, the shop was bustling with activity.  there were tons of orders to fill, lots of prepping to do, and the phone was ringing off the hook with people placing orders for pick-up on the big day.

my boss took off mid-morning to run some errands, and when she returned, she was bearing gifts.

"i'm sorry your going away party isn't so great, we're so busy!" she said.  and since i wasn't expecting anything but maybe a hug, i was pretty overwhelmed.  and along with those gorgeous flowers and balloons, i got a fun starbucks care package - complete with the makings for iced caramel macchiatos and a gift card that'll last me a month.  so awesome.

and because it was so busy that day, i didn't have time to dwell on stuff like "this is the last time i'll ever do [insert task here]."  i'm pretty grateful for that, because i managed not to tear up at all.

but let's face it - it's not like i won't be back.  i love those cupcakes, and i'm in pasadena often enough to stop in now and then.  and, she just announced her engagement - with a rock that would sear your cornea if you looked at it too long.  yay!

i wanted to send her something nice to thank her for everything, and what better way than with some cookies?

i managed to get them into the box with enough tissue stuffed around them in the hopes of getting them there all in one piece.

i dropped it off at the post office, and a few days later, i got a text that said they loved the surprise (and ate them for breakfast).  woohoo!  i guess that was a good practice run for shipping - locally, anyway.

now let's see what happens with packages shipped much further away.  random.org has chosen my winner for the latest cookie giveaway, and here she is:

yay, mrs. b-p!  basketball cookies it is.  i'll drop you an email to get all the details, unless you want to do it first.

i'm lazy, remember?

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i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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