and then i just couldn't stand it anymore. finding out that they were doing "food drive friday" clinched it for me - with a donation of five cans of imperishable food, i could get in free. so the teen scoured through our pantry and found us ten cans of stuff to bring in.
it was still incredibly hot. like, gah-ross.

because it was so early, we managed to find a pretty good parking spot and trudged our way towards the entrance.


it was a weird overcast, muggy day. i guess that beats direct sunlight though, huh?

as we approached the grandstand, i spied a poster for the concert i was going to the very next night. oh yeah.

finally we were where we wanted to be:

i know it makes me sound kind of assy, but i was a little bummed over that third place standing. this is dumb, i know - i could've easily not placed at all. i suppose my only defense is that i got spoiled by last year's blue ribbon. and i was a bit verklempt when i saw that the second place winner was a plate of plain ol' sugar cookies. and later, i found that first place was awarded to chocolate sugar cookies...also plain as all hell. WTF? i'd scoured the category list when i was filling out my entry form and there really wasn't another appropriate category i could've entered. bah!
we went back outside and drowned our sorrows with a skewer of bacon-wrapped, deep-fried pickles.
our last stop was at a booth for the teen to get this done:

the fair is open through the end of the month and the bean wants to check it out, so i'm sure we'll be back at least once more. let's just hope the temperatures drop a bit before then.
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