wan-na find something?

Thursday, July 5, 2018

a bloom-in' good time

we all know i'm a sucker for a fun pop-up art installation, and when i found a 15%-off code for a flower-themed one called "bloom" at griffith park, i decided that it would make for a fun friday outing for me and the bean.  i thought it would be extra fun if we wore some cute floral outfits, and since she's still at the age where she's willing to wear matching mommy-and-me ensembles, i busted out these tops and skirts for us:

the tickets were all timed so as to avoid giant crowds descending on the event all at once.  i'd opted for the earliest ones possible - 11am - and we arrived just before they opened for business.

i'd also pre-ordered a couple of fresh flower crowns for us, so we headed over to that vendor's station to grab them.

i think she would've rather had this, but she was happy with the flowers.

we watched the bees for a minute and then tossed a buck into the donation box so she could grab a honey stick to suck on.

here we were invited to remove our shoes and walk through a bunch of different textured things that plants grow in.  it was kind of fun, and we got to borrow their parasols for our experience.

she sucked on that honey stick the entire time.  made for some great pictures.  heh.

 when we were done, there were towels for cleaning off our feet before putting our shoes back on.

the next photo op came in the form of these clear tents.  we chose the lavender one and sat down on the pillows (hoping to get our shot before too many people came in and ruined it all).

the bean was excited to jump into this next exhibit and frolic through the "dandelions."  and yes, this was a super hippie-dippy event and i was kind of bored by this time.  haha!

more photo op stations.  this was a little weird though...i wasn't sure exactly what we were expected to do with this one.

suuuuuuuper awkward.

one of her famous selfies-before-taking-a-picture-of-her-mom.

more rather awkward photos that probably could've been cooler if we'd given them a little more thought.

 and even more.

at the next station there were a bunch of white props and an assortment of jars full of different colors of paint.  you were to use the droppers, pull up some paint and leave your mark on the display.

i may have been bored as all hell, but she was having fun.  and i suppose that's all that matters anyway.

i'd promised her that we could go check out the two whole food trucks that were parked nearby, so once we'd had our fill of floral fun that was our final stop.

 mac & cheese stuffed grilled cheese sandwich, anyone?

on the way home we stopped at dots cafe for a treat, where we found these adorable mini cupcakes.

and we wore those crowns all damn day long.

as the old lady says, i'm a major sucker for those "art" museums.  there's a new pizza experience coming to the pasadena area in october, and while i'm pretty sure it's going to be just as silly as all of the other ones we've attended...i really want to go.  heh.

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