wan-na find something?

Monday, July 2, 2018

it's grandma camp time!

with the bean's cheer schedule, trying to find dates for grandma camp have been a little tough the past couple of years.  but luckily, the team takes a break during the week of 4th of july.  and while i miss having her around for the holiday i know she adores her annual visits to texas with her beloved grandparents.

MIL arrived last week to spend a few days with us before scooping the child up and flying her off to the lone star state for their week of fun.  as per usual, we put off packing her stuff until the very night before their flight, and then we woke up early on saturday morning to take them to the airport.

mah baby!

i love that she chose a mom-made dress and jacket to wear for the trip.

and one more kiss, because i wanted to.

so sweet.  she sure loves her daddy.

one last wave...

and then they left.

YOU GUYS.  i didn't even tear up this time!  it's only taken what, four years for me not to cry when she leaves for grandma camp?  i was so proud of myself.

they sent us this as they boarded the plane:

and then after the first swim of the trip:

and "mom, this was my one treat of the day!"  oy.

they've got all sorts of great stuff planned - horseback riding, a trip to top golf, tea, a visit with the great-grandparents, even a surprise visit from her uncle and aunt for 4th of july.  they recently announced that they're expecting their first baby early next year, and the bean is over the moon excited to welcome her cousin to the family.

i can't wait to hear all of her stories when she gets home.  i'm sure it'll be quite the week to remember!

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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