wan-na find something?

Monday, July 7, 2008

l.a.z.y. and i ain't got no alibi

[clapping and holding up spirit fingers]

i'm lazy!

what, what?
i'm lazy!

this was seriously the most deliciously lazy weekend we've had in a very long time. like, from the time we got home friday evening from the bbq at the grandparents' till about 5:00 today, the bean and i didn't even set foot outside once. ha! fucking awesome. and we even sent the hub out to pick up lunch yesterday. yup. that's how lazy we were.

the bean and her daddy napped here:


and then when she woke up, i picked her up and fed her here, where we both fell asleep for another hour:


we played for a while, had lunch, and then somehow we managed to nap again here:


i threw together dinner from stuff we already had, played with the bean some more, and then caught up on blog reading before going to bed.

this morning, after playtime and breakfast, we - guess what? - took a nap here:


got up, played, and then the bean and i both slept together here:


finally, the hub woke us up at 5:00 to run a couple of errands and pick up some grub for the official inauguration of the new bbq. whee!


the biggest steaks EVER, plus some bacon-wrapped asparagus skewers:


mmmmmm. meat is good. i like meat.

we enjoyed dinner, cleaned up, and then sat in the jacuzzi and relaxed even more. the bean got a bath, grabbed a snack, and passed the eff OUT. the hub wasn't far behind her.

gotta love weekends like that!


  1. So jealous of your naps! SF/Sonoma/Napa last weekend, Vegas next weekend, I told the hubs that the weekend after next I'm not leaving the house at all!

  2. Seriously so many of us just parked our asses at home and didn't move this weekend. Fabulous!

    Congrats on the new grill! Perfect for summer!

  3. naps and meat are mmMM good! loving that many of us were lazy, like ca girl said.

  4. Naps are awesome. I just can't seem to ever catch one. Good lookin' steaks!

  5. What a fab way to spend a weekend. I'm way over due for one of these.

  6. Naps, steak, bacon. That's MY kind of weekend.

  7. Love it! Sounds just like my weekend :)


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