wan-na find something?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

sunday is for sleeping

the hub crept in quietly at 1:30 on sunday morning. i remember giving him a groggy hug and kiss and then falling back asleep. heh. so much for an enthusiastic welcome home.

and those blackout drapes they always put in hotel rooms work like a damn charm. we all slept in till 9:00 - even the bean! that's the latest she's ever slept. she's usually awake around 7:30-8:00. she was pretty excited to open her eyes and see her daddy laying next to her. oh, the smile that came to that face. and they played and played while the rest of us got up and got ready for the day.

we decided to forego the hotel restaurant and instead got in the car and drove down closer to the beach. after eyeing the pancake joint that's ALWAYS crowded as hell, we ended up at la creperie cafe on highland avenue. the teen and BFF totally dug the girly-girl leopard-print theme they had going on in there.

we were pretty excited to be seated right away, but we sure paid for that as we placed our order and then proceeded to wait. and wait. and wait a bit more.

luckily, the food finally arrived, and at least it was delicious. almost made up for the long ass wait. almost.

we browsed in a lot of the cute little shops scattered throughout the area, and spent a chunk of time oohing and aahing over sprout on manhattan beach boulevard - an adorable baby shop that carried all the coolest high-end clothing, toys, and gear.

i took a potty break while we were there and was almost sad that the bean didn't require a diaper change. the restroom was adorned with beautifully hand painted murals, and featured a nice changing table, complete with supplies in all sizes. loved it.

we came to regret not packing for the beach, because we ran out of shops to browse and found ourselves back in the car and on our way home - where it was 95 degrees. bleh.

we cranked the a/c up, the hub and the bean napped, the girls played wii, and i unpacked. BFF eventually went home and we had yummy, greasy dinner courtesy of the hat.

and that was the end of our weekend.


  1. Nooo! You do not take potty breaks! Your baby takes potty breaks!

  2. you have had crappy service at restaurants lately! :/ other than that, sounds like your weekend was pretty damn fun.

  3. You were sad that the bean didn't need a diaper change?

    Good lord, things really do change when you have a baby :)

  4. The photo of the bean is so, so, so, so cute!!!!!

    Awww :) She's growing up so quickly.

  5. I am a new fan of yours! Your blogs have kept me entertained the last few days at work! :) The bean and the teen are both adorable!

  6. sounds like a fun sunday. well, aside from crappy service :/

  7. Fun weekend! What is it with the service at places these days?

  8. you and your restaurant service luck.

    the hat. need some wet fries now. thanks a lot.


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um, i think.

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