wan-na find something?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

obsession [craft nerd alert]

i've been dreaming up invitation ideas for the bean's upcoming first birthday party. and in the process, i've finally given in to something i've been resisting for YEARS:

a die-cutting machine. specifically, a quickutz revolution.

i found it on sale for $59 at a scrapbooking store (it's called "scrap -n-yap" - yeah, i laughed too), which is an awesome deal considering these things usually run around $90. it kind of reminds me of an old-school pencil sharpener. but instead of making your #2 nice and pointy, it makes really cool, intricate, detailed paper cut-outs of various shapes. you lay one of the magnetic dies on the platform, put a piece of paper on top, place a protective plastic mat over that, and crank away. when the platform makes its way through to the other side, you take the mat off to reveal a perfect die-cut. so cool!

i've already used it to fulfill an invitation order for a baby shower for BFF's new SIL. here's the mock-up i gave them to approve.

i kind of bit off of the invitation that my friend amber created last year for the shower the SFAMily threw for me, which i loved oh so much. except that instead of cutting each paper onesie out freehand, using a stencil and scissors, i took the easy way out and cranked 'em out in seconds. easy peasy (sorry, amber!).

i've been trolling ebay for discounted dies for this thing, and i've already spent a ridiculous amount of money on all sorts of fun shapes - alphabet sets, cupcakes, flowers, hearts, basic phrases like "happy birthday," palm trees. and i keep dreaming up all sorts of fun card ideas to make with these things. maybe i should get going on that etsy store i've been toying with for months after all.

and in other news, i've been driving the hub absolutely nuts with my obsession with getting an iPhone. even i have to admit, i'm getting a little ridiculous with it. i keep going back to the website that updates availability at the apple retail stores, dropping hints, talking about how much fun my friends are having with theirs, cursing my current phone. i think i'm just hoping that he'll get so sick and tired of hearing me jabber about this thing that he'll just come home with one. heh. wish me luck on that one.

lastly, in 35-ish hours, we'll be on a plane to paradise. i'm so freaking excited, i think i might actually start packing!


  1. have a great time in vegas!

    i am having lots of fun with my iphone.

  2. i keep seeing those crazy lines and think, okay, i'll wait one more week. jeez!

    die cutting machines are bomb. i <3 mine so much.

    and yeah, i'm a tad jealous that you got to use a diecut for those onesies while i got to trace and cut by hand :/

  3. We have a gigantic version of one of those babies at school. I've never used it but it looks awesome. I'm excited to see what you come up with for the bean's first birthday.

    Happy jet setting!

  4. As much as I love paper craft gadgets and products, I just don't have enough room for a die cut machine (nor would I actually use it all that often, I guess).

    But now I know who to visit when the need arises!

  5. It's so funny what can make a person happy :) We are all nerdy in our own ways. Enjoy paradise :P (I'm not bitter at all)

  6. My old school had the big jumbo ones also. Damn, I miss that machine. Dude, you know that your H is going to bring home an iPhone soon, stop playin'!

  7. That invitation...gorgeous! What a talent you have!!

    I'd love to get a die cutter. Every time I scrapbook in a group someone has one.

  8. Cute invite!

    I wish I had something to pack for right now...

  9. Nope. I can't wish you luck with the iPhone because I need at least one other person to not have one like me. ;)

    My nerd radar was going off. In a good way. :)


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