wan-na find something?

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 = amazeballs

2010 was very, very good to us.  it was quite a stellar year, especially when you compare it to shitty 2009.  these year-end recaps have become a fun tradition for me, because we all know how much i love a good, long walk down memory lane.  let's do this:

we kicked off the year with a super fun trip up to the mountains for the teen's first snowboarding excursion.

headed off to the people's choice awards for some stargazing.

continued to feed my hello kitty obsession:

the teen met her man at last - during the best 37 seconds of her life.  oh, and put another notch in our jonas brothers concert belt.

plus, we got to see them for free on easter, when they did a quick performance for saddleback church.

spent a lot of time junior leaguin'.

did a whole lotta sewing:

did a little cooking.

oh, and some baking.

became rather obsessed with making macarons.

reached some awesome bean milestones - gymnastics classes, turning 3, preschool and potty training.  whee!

she had her very first visit to the dentist, which led to a traumatic experience (more for me than for her):

oh, and the teen and i took her to her first movie in a theater - toy story 3, of course.

speaking of the teen, she had a few milestones of her own.  sophomore year started, she went to homecoming, and...she has a boyfriend.  heh.  plus, she got to meet a few C-list celebs at a school fundraiser.

we went on a crazy two-week-long road trip that took us from boston to florida.

i ditched hum-drum office work for a super fun gig at a cupcake shop.

saw a couple of our favorite TV shows come to life on stage.

i not only attended one phototasting session:

but two (and got to meet an ex-duran duran wife in the process, squee!):

had a handful of fun GTGs with my friends:

chased down a couple of food trucks.

visited a bunch of local independently-owned businesses.

oh, and yeah - we bought a house!

and we're loving every "first" in it so far: first dinner, first thanksgiving, first christmas.

up next - our first new year's in the new house of wan, which will feature a party for the teen and her friends.  and then we've got all sorts of craziness coming in 2011:  the teen's working towards her driver's license (yikes), turning sweet sixteen (double yikes), i'll be turning 40 (waaaaah!), running a half-marathon (if we get our shit together), saying goodbye to the ILs as they move to texas, transitioning the bean into full days at preschool.  

it's gonna be awesome.  happy new year!


  1. Happy new year, love your year in review!

  2. wait, wait - the teen has a BF and the ILs are moving to lithuania?!?!? either I haven't been paying close enough attention or you've failed to mention these important tidbits.

    oh, and happy NY. ;)

  3. Ditto ssinca!
    I love all types of year end recaps bc it reminds me of just how full the year was!!!
    Happy new year!

  4. Now I feel like I got the highlights and didn't miss out on so much. Happy NY! Hope 2011 beats 2010 in awesomeness. :)


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um, i think.

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