wan-na find something?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

brown sugarin' it up

i got hit with a craving for monkey bread recently, and decided to go the easy route and reuse the recipe i found a couple of months ago.  and then because i had some extra cream cheese to use up (and it sounded really good, too), i threw together a quick glaze to dollop on top.

i like the word "dollop."  it makes me think of whipped cream.  yum.

uh, so anyway, i busted out the cute cupcake liners - the kind that stand up by themselves and don't require a cupcake pan - and used my mini convection oven instead of firing up the big oven and heating up the whole house.

they look good, right?  the bean was most appreciative as she dug into the cinnamon sugary bits of dough.  as we sat together enjoying our breakfast that morning, i rubbed my arms and realized that my elbows were super rough.  like, i really needed to exfoliate.  and then i eyed the bowl full of leftover cinnamon sugar i'd mixed together for the monkey bread and my mind went to work.

this is completely random.  i know it.  but you know me, that's how i roll.  and i remembered that in my pinterest browsing recently, i'd come across some recipes for homemade sugar scrubs that incorporated ingredients that i always have in my pantry.  i bet you do, too.  i'd never realized how simple it was to throw together a beauty product that typically costs a boatload o'cash - like the fresh brown sugar line i've been coveting lately.  a jar of the scrub is $38 - for the small one!

so i pulled up this recipe, took out a couple of extra ingredients, and mixed it up.

i even had the perfect size jar to store it in.

so my morning's projects filled my belly and made my skin super duper soft and fragrant.  AND cost me less than $5!

talk about a win-win situation.

1 comment:

  1. "dollop" reminds me of "dookie." i dunno why.

    dollop of dookie!

    lol, sorry. i am 10.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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