wan-na find something?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

itty bitty titty committee, party of one

a couple of months ago, i was thumbing through a magazine and chatting with the teen when i came across something that looked interesting - a bra fitting event sponsored by skinny cow, a lowfat ice cream company.  kind of bizarre, right?  they were calling it "the perfect cup," which was totally cutesy but worked perfectly.  anyway, it was a free event, with the final stop here in l.a.  i hopped right onto their website and managed to secure spots for both me and the teen.

we happened to be heading out to the westside for something else later that evening (i'll explain later), and it worked perfectly with our itinerary.  with our trusty sidekick rock-ell, we bid the hub and the bean goodbye for the night and took off with the teen at the wheel.

due to unforeseen circumstances, we were running incredibly late.  our appointment was for 5:00, and the tickets clearly stated that we had to be there no later than 5:30.  and at 5:28, we pulled up here:

we found a parking spot quickly, and literally RAN into the building.  after all the traffic we'd sat through, it would've sucked ass to get shut out of this thing.

and we just barely made it.  we shuffled into the line right behind a couple of fellow latecomers and listened to the spiel by one of the perfect cup staffers, who stopped and smiled as i pointed my phone at her.

even though we didn't have an appointment for rock-ell, they happily checked her in along with us.  sweet - we were the very last ones to get in.

yes, you WILL see a whole lot of my stupid face poses in this post.  i know you expected nothing less.

oh, and check out my pretty pink wristband.  i was entitled to alcoholic beverages, and i realized that i could actually take advantage of it because I HAD A DESIGNATED DRIVER.  how awesome is my life?

because we were so late, we were ushered right into the bra fitting portion of the event.

it looks like all that nursing i did with the bean really effed me up.  i thought i was one size all along, but it turns out that my poor girls took a beating and i'm actually a cup size below what i've been wearing all this time.  how depressing.

i drowned my sorrows in a free cup of skinny cow ice cream.

we tried to get in on the photobooth-with-props action, but as we walked up, the girl informed us in her nasally voice that "i'm sorry, i'm closed."  but she graciously offered to take a picture of us with my phone, so we struck a pose.

next, i turned to the bar:

but champagne's not my thing.  oh, well. 

we were also too late for the makeovers.

seeing that they were posting people's tweets on the monitor, i checked in with foursquare and then got all excited when my tweet came up on the screen.  i'm such a dork.

there was a display of bras worn by women through the decades:

and then we got in line to grab our swag bags and t-shirts.

best part of the goody bags?  an awesome freebie.

we capped off our boobie brigade outing with a stop here, to see if the girls could find pieces for the halloween costume they were dreaming up.  well, actually, it was more of a "that looks cool, let's stop in and check it out" pitstop.  i never actually imagined that we'd buy anything in here.

after ponying up the $2 at the door, i'm now a trashy lingerie member...for a year.  yup.

of course, membership doesn't include the privilege of taking photos in the store.  not allowed, folks.  and we were trailed every second by a sweaty saleslady who watched our every move and informed us (also in a nasally voice, WTF is up with that?) of the outrageous prices for each item we touched.  the wonder woman costume that the girls were enthralled with cost $300 for the top alone.  yikes.

so we got outta there and took some photos of the window displays instead.

it was quite an interesting day.


  1. The first falsies were called Gay Deceivers. I will be in a fit of giggles over that all day! Looks like so much fun!

  2. what a clever marketing campaign. I have to get refitted too. I have measured myself and the numbers say I wear the same size, but my own eyes tell a different story.

    I can't believe I just talked about my boobies on the internet.

  3. I was the president of that committee until I was 17 and then I showed them!!

  4. dude, another reason for me not to have kids. i'm already so small i have problems finding stuff in my size.

  5. You all looked like you had a blast! Hope you are feeling a bit better today with that cold.

  6. that looked like fun! i really should get refitted...with my first, the girls hardly shrunk after bf'ing, so i was still quite "gifted", ahem. and then when i was done weaning the second, the girls they shrunk! i mean i'm glad they're not as big, but with the deflating and shrinking, i'm not sure what size i am anymore...


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

partying like rock stars

the hub and i headed out to hollywood one evening for a date night somewhere new (to us): grandmaster recorders . this building was construc...