wan-na find something?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

C25K, check

you guys, i did it!

i actually finished the entire nine-week couch-to-5K program!  i can run for 30 minutes at a time, and i'm able to do a full 5K in 40 minutes.  seriously, i am so proud of myself.  i signed up for a local 5K in november, and i've already run the course twice.  but it's just a mere drop in the bucket.  the half marathon i have coming soon is 4 TIMES that.  yikes.

i considered buying the "bridge to 10K" app, which is the next step from this one...but that'll still only get me halfway through the half.  hmmm.

got any suggestions on a good training app that'll help me get to my goal?


  1. Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself!

  2. Congratulations! You are such a busy lady and to squeeze this into your schedule is a testament to your dedication.

  3. Aw man! I stopped after week two. :( Well done Wan - you're an inspiration!


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um, i think.

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