wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

girls' day out

lilcee and i spent our sunday hanging out at the beautiful terranea resort in swanky rancho palos verdes, site of a super-girly, day-long event called "pamper me fabulous."  we'd been talking about it for weeks, even learning that a friend of mr. lilcee was the event organizer, and were super stoked to go and have some fun girl time. 

we got there nice and early, although others had the same idea.  we were about 25th in line behind a bunch of chattering, giggling, lululemon-clad chicks.  the website had mentioned dressing comfortably and ready to work out at the various fitness sessions available, but we'd gone in regular clothing and just brought along some exercisewear to change into.

let's face it, though.  i totally knew we wouldn't be putting that stuff on, and i'd even neglected to bring a different pair of shoes.  and the boots i was wearing wouldn't exactly go with my nike capris.  heh.

so instead, we explored the offerings that were open - the ballroom, where "the bazaar" was being set up, didn't open for another hour.  the "expert corner" consisted of a handful of folks we'd mostly not heard of, discussing all sorts of different topics. 

there was quite a line already forming for a photo booth sponsored by hyundai.

but we found another one right next to it.  yeah, yeah, i know.  but where else can you get super cheesetastic if not a photo booth?

we tried a diet drink that was actually pretty tasty.

and found other beverages just outside the door.

alas, it was a little too early for any of that.  so we wandered around the gorgeous grounds and basked in the sun.

and found yet another photo booth.

we managed to score a free coffee cup here.

scored discounted tickets for the next event.

and came across...well, this.

by this time, the bazaar was open.  after overhearing snatches of conversation here and there, lilcee and i headed right for the OPI booth.  they were doing free nail polish changes, and it was already crowded just a few minutes after the doors had opened.  we still managed to find two open spots, because we're lucky like that.

gah, i have ugly hands.

there were lots of fun things to check out and sample.  i was SO tempted to pick up one of the clarisonics, on show special for $95, but i held back.  maybe santa will bring me one...in pink.

a familiar sight.  i'd looked into doing this last year, but the event coordinators wanted a crapload of money.  ugh.

at the just fabulous booth, there were shoes and bags and jewelry to peruse.  it's one of those sites where you pay $39.95 a month to pick one item to be shipped to you.  they had a wheel to spin too, where i won a pair of those foot pad thingies to put in a pair of stilettos.  because i wear those all. the. time.

being a glutton for punishment, i tested out the gadget for measuring body fat percentage and BMI.  i'm normal, by the way.  yay.

although this is how we first met, lilcee and i smirked as we passed the table laden down with the current issue of the knot magazine.

kim barnoin of the "skinny bitch" series was there signing her books.  she might have just come out of the "expert corner," too, but we'd skipped most of the seminars in favor of cupcakes.

lunch selections were limited, but pretty tasty.  they were offering gyros with shrimp, chicken or grilled veggies.  we were hungry by then, so we bought our tickets and grabbed some grub.

anybody know who this chick was?  we'd seen her getting dressed and doing her own hair and makeup in the restroom, and here she was clutching a microphone and doing some sort of on-camera story about the event.

we managed to squeeze into an afternoon spot for a hair consultation.  i got lucky and scooted in for a hand massage first, and then got seated in the salon owner's chair.  he was super nice and upon hearing that my last haircut was in june, immediately offered to snip off my dead ends and freshen up my layers.  uh...a free cut?  yes, please.

and then since normally-pricey kerastase hair products were 20% off that day, i decided to give one of their products a shot.  still $36, but hey - i'd gotten my hairs cut for free.

we sat back and watched the s-factor session going on in the fitness corner.  feeling motivated by the beautiful weather and the fact that we'd never see anyone here ever again, we decided to join the second session - jeans and all.

i looked absolutely ridiculous doing this, and not just because i'd been too lazy to go back to the car and put on my workout pants.

as our final activity for the day, we joined the "red carpet style" talk led by adrianna costa of the tv show "extra."  we were rather dismayed to find that it was really just an infomercial to push that just fabulous website.  meh.  and the three models came out to show off shoes and outfits that were hardly red carpet-worthy.

oh, and we caught a glimpse of the "millionaire matchmaker" herself, patti stanger.

i also ran into one of my friends from the local knot board.

back in the car, we unzipped our goody bags to see all of the loot.  and at home, i spread it all out to check it all out piece by piece.

and this is all of the stuff i managed to scoop up from the booths.

so much fun!  and now we know exactly how to prepare for the next one.  march 11th, downtown l.a.  who's coming with us?


  1. What a fun day! You two are adorable.

  2. (1) How much does it cost?

    (2) It is never too early for bubbly.

  3. How fun!! I really want to join you guys for the March event!

  4. That was such a fun day and good thing the weather cooperated - no dark cloud in sight. I just checked the calendar and it looks like I am off March 11!!

  5. it is never too early for drinks. i wanna see inside vibiana.


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um, i think.

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