wan-na find something?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

partyin', partyin', YEAH

did you ever go to sadie hawkins dances in high school?

hell, my school wasn't cool enough to have any of those.  although it's pretty fun to think back and mull over the choices i would've had to pick from to ask as my date.  heh.

anyway, the teen just had hers last weekend.  because of a miscommunication of the actual day of the dance, she ended up dateless for the actual event.  boo.  but my girl is resilient - she didn't let that stop her from going anyway and having a great time.  i actually wonder if she had more fun because she went stag.

the giant group she was going with met up at one of the girls' homes in the schwanky part o'town.  when we walked in, i muttered to her out of the corner of my mouth "dude.  there's a horse in their house."  and then i pretended to check my camera as i snapped this.

i know.  i know - i'm totally an asshole for taking photos of the inside of this house.  but i couldn't stop myself, and i didn't even get any shots of the really...um, interesting pieces of decor.  check this out, though - it was like the freaking sistine chapel up in there.

the girl's parents must be very patriotic, though.

and i thought it was nice of them to set out refreshments for the parents who came to take pictures of their precious darlings.  yes, me included, but i didn't partake.

when the party bus arrived, the driver required each passenger to sign a "no alcohol" policy.  sweet.

i heard he was also making each parent sign a waiver basically taking all responsibility for any damages possibly incurred to the bus.  too bad he never got around to me.  muahahahahahaha.

the kids were all dressed really casually - logo tees (each couple wore matching ones, how cute), jeans, and converse tennies.  here's the teen with her girls.

rock-ell wanted a shot with yours truly, which i thought was sweet.

quite the bus they rode in - i always laugh at this, since dances are always at school.  which is literally down the street.  but they do it up for dances, this time heading to downtown disney for pre-party dinner and then getting dropped off at school in style.

ugh, yes.  that is indeed a pole in there.  UGH.

the teen loves to ham it up.  wonder where she got that from?  i just don't know.

it was hilarious listening to her stories about the evening.  and i was so happy when she mentioned being a bit sore after all that dancing.  because if you know my kid, you'll know that shakin' her booty in public ain't her thang.  i guess she decided it was better to just let it loose and go with the flow.

so yay, she got in a workout too!  go operation bathing suit 2012!

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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